We'll never be friends

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I said good-bye to Emma and trudged back to my house. I walked along the sidewalk, thinking about what I'd seen in the coffee shop. It all seemed so strange. I need to talk to my dad and tell him everything I saw.

I stopped in front of my house. The porch was only a few feet away.

But what did I see in the coffee shop? Nothing special happened, right? The stranger just asked where the police station was, a group of guys were just sitting at a coffee table... Everything was absolutely normal.

I took a deep breath.

My skin crawled as I remembered how V and Suga had followed that man. It was as if death itself had followed.

I think I've become paranoid since Jungkook came into my life. I need to calm down. 

I shook my head, and walked toward the house, slowly. When I went up on the porch, the front door swung open. Jungkook was on the doorstep. I was surprised to see that he was wearing dark gray pants and a black zip-up hoodie.

Where did he get the new clothes?

" Why are you so late, Melody? " He folded his hands and stared at me.

" It's only 8 p.m." I frowned. "And why should I have to explain myself to you? "

" It's not safe in the city right now." he answered.  

" I doubt I should be afraid of anyone on the street. The killer is already in my house. "  I said sarcastically.

His lips tightened and his eyes flashed with resentment.

Jungkook took my arm above the elbow and pulled me into the house. As soon as I was inside, the guy locked the front door.

" Hey, what's going on? " I asked.

Jeon didn't answer me. He turned his back on me and went into the living room. I watched him go for a few seconds, then took off my down jacket and boots.

I understand nothing. Why does he resent me?

I hung up my clothes in the hall closet, and brushed my hair back with my hand.

What did Jungkook mean when he said it wasn't safe in the town?

Suddenly I noticed that my father's jacket wasn't in the closet.

This is strange. Dad should have a day off today. 

I went into the living room. The room was dark and smelled of fresh popcorn. There was an old horror movie on TV.  Jeon sat cross-legged on the couch. He had a bowl of popcorn. 

He didn't even turn when I entered the living room.

" So... where's my father?" I asked. 

"He got an emergency call and left for work immediately." The guy answered without taking his eyes off the screen.

" What's wrong? " I sat down on the couch and the guy moved away from me to the other side.

" One more body. " He answered as calmly as if we were talking about something ordinary.

" What? Oh, Jesus! " I exclaimed. " Where did this happen? "

" I don't know." Jungkook said, still avoiding my gaze. " Ask your father when he gets back."

" But wait, what about you?" I said. I wanted to question him, but he interrupted me.

" Are you serious, Melody? " Finally, Jeon turned to me. He glared at me. "I had nothing to do with it. Or do you think I'm the only bad guy on the planet?"  

"Why are you mad at me?" I exclaimed.

" I'm not mad, I don't care." He rolled his eyes and turned away again. 

The room was silent for a few moments then Jungkook put the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and dusted off his hands. He gave me a cold look and headed for the door.

" Hey, where are you going?" I asked. 

" I'm going to jail. "  He stopped and grinned. " I'm a criminal and my place is there. You said so yourself. "

" I spoke to my father about it. You shouldn't have been eavesdropping." I got up from the couch and walked quickly over to him.

" But I heard it and I know how you feel about me. " He said, and went out into the hall. I followed him.

" And why do you care so much about my opinion of you?" 

He laughed loudly.

" Don't flatter yourself, baby. Your opinion doesn't matter! I don't give a damn that you despise me. " He said. " I didn't choose this life.  I was taught to kill since I was a child. You have no idea what I've been through. So don't judge me. You don't know how lucky you are. You have everything: family, friends, prospects in life. I don't have anything, even a place I could call home. I want to  change my life, but for you, I will always be a second-class person, right?" He turned away from me and walked away.

My eyes filled with tears. My heart was breaking with pain and pity for him.

How could I be so insensitive? I'm so ashamed of myself. I'm a terrible person.

" Jungkook, wait." I called out to him, but he kept walking.

I wanted to do something to make him feel better.

I caught up with him and hugged him from behind. The guy froze.

" Let me go."  He said softly. I could feel his heart beating through the fabric.

" No, listen to me first, please." I said just as quietly. He took a deep breath and continued to stand there. " You're right. I shouldn't judge you. I don't know anything about you. You want to be good, right? Everyone deserves a second chance. " Tears ran down my cheeks. I leaned my forehead against his back." And...if you want, my house can be yours. I'm more fortunate in my life, but I'm willing to share everything with you." 

" Let me go." He repeated. I dropped my hands and took a step back. I thought he was going to leave, but he turned to me. He looked at me in a way he never did before. "Don't feel sorry for me, Melody. Stop crying." 

I nodded and wiped my eyes. He reached for my face with his hand, then dropped it. 

" I think we got off on the wrong foot. Let's start again, yeah?" I said, gradually calming down." Let's be friends." 

" Oh, no way."  He said firmly. "I'm sorry, I can never be your friend."

For a second I felt the ground go from under my feet.

"Why?" I was confused. 

His gaze moved down to my lips for a moment then returned to my eyes. 

" Because it's beyond my control." He smirked.

He moved closer to me, and I stepped back. I was trapped between his body and the wall. He placed his hand on the wall above my head.

He leaned toward me and I saw my reflection in his dilated pupils. His breath was slow and hot.

I felt myself blushing and my heart began to pound in my chest. I didn't move, just waited for what would happen next.

It looked like he wanted to kiss me. But it can't be true. Jungkook doesn't have any romantic feelings for me. He's just kidding me. He does it all the time. I'm not buying it anymore. I waited for him to laugh, but he didn't.

He leaned even lower. Our noses touched lightly. When our lips were an inch apart, he closed his eyes...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 😅 

Thank you to everyone who votes and writes comments. It really means a lot to me.

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