Purple hair

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"Blonde or brunette? I don't know what hair color to choose." I thought, holding the boxes of hair dye in my hands. 

To be honest, I had no desire to dye my hair, but Taehyung said that I needed a disguise and he's right. Maybe if I change my appearance, it will be harder for the criminals who are after me to find me.

On the way to Chicago, we stopped at a mall. Tae left me in the hair dye section while he went somewhere. He said he'd be back soon, but I was nervous. I didn't feel safe without him. It seemed to me that someone was watching me and I periodically looked around. 

Damn paranoia! I need to stop acting weird. The saleswoman is already looking at me suspiciously. She probably thinks I'm going to steal something. 

Hmm, that's funny, I suddenly thought. I'm afraid that I'll be kidnapped from my kidnapper.

Until recently, I wanted to run away from Tae but now everything has changed. 

Firstly, I'm sure that if I try to escape, the people from the Chimera or Medusa clans will definitely grab me.  Tae gave me a gun but I'm bad at shooting. I can't protect myself yet. I need to train.

Secondly, I am afraid that if I return home, my loved ones will suffer. I'm being hunted. So it's dangerous to be around me right now. I won't forgive myself if something bad happens to my dad...

I took a deep breath. Tears welled up in my eyes.

Oh, my poor daddy. He's probably freaking out with worry. I'd give anything to just hug him right now. I really miss him. I'd never been so far away from him before. I hope it's over soon and I can go home. I remembered the nightmare I'd had last night, and it made me uneasy.  

" Did you miss me, doll ?" Suddenly, I heard Taehyung's voice close to my ear. Something exploded in my chest. I think I had a heart attack.

I turned to him. 

" God, you scared me." I exclaimed, looking sternly at the guy. Kim smiled charmingly, but didn't even apologize. 

I was surprised to see that the guy was wearing new clothes. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt, and a beautiful black coat. He looked amazing. 

Damn, Taehyung was supposed to be a model, not a killer. 

" Where have you been?" I asked. 

" I bought us new clothes." He answered and handed me a bag.

" Did you buy me clothes, too?" I said looking inside. "  But you don't know my size." 

Inside the bag was a black oversized sweatshirt, gray jeans, and a warm jacket. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the ordinary clothes. To be honest, I was afraid that Tae had bought me some sexy dress or something like that. 

"Don't worry. I'm sure I guessed your size. I know quite a lot about women's clothing, especially lingerie." Tae smirked.

I blushed. 

" I hope you didn't buy it. " I said, and looked into the bag again.

" No, I didn't but I can do it if you want." He looked me up and down, and a familiar predatory smile appeared on his lips.

" No, thanks." I said firmly. 

" I know what kind of lingerie Jungkook will like." the guy winked at me. 

" I'm not interested in that." I replied. 

I lied. I was very interested, but I didn't want to discuss it with Tae. 

And why is everyone interfering with my relationship with Jungkook? 

" Liar." The guy smirked. I didn't answer him.  "By the way, did you choose your new hair color?" Tae asked thoughtfully.

I  shook my head. 

" I'm still choosing." I said.  " You know, I've never dyed my hair before, so it's not easy for me to decide." 

The guy rolled his eyes. 

"Doll, you're overthinking this."   he said. "Just grab any hair dye and let's go. We still have a lot to do." 

Kim leaned over and picked up a light purple hair dye from the shelf. Then he gave me an appraising look.

" I think this is just what you need."  He said and smiled slyly.

" Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed. 

"What's wrong?" Tae asked.

" I won't dye my hair that color." I protested. " It's too much for me." 

" Oh, come on. Purple is a great color, by the way, my favorite." He took my hand and headed for the exit. " And stop being so boring. Do something crazy for once in your life." 

" I'm not boring, you're impulsive." I objected. 

 " Nah, I'm just funny." he said. " Anyway, doll, we don't have much time. Or do you want to sit here until someone else comes for you?" 

" No, of course not." I said. I thought for a few seconds, imagining myself with colored hair. " Okay, you win. Let it be purple. It'll be your fault if I look weird." 

" You'll look cute, doll. " he pinched my cheek lightly. I pursed my lips and glared at the guy. Taehyung laughed softly. 

Hello my cute bunnies. ✨💜🐇🐇🐇💜✨

Thank you for still reading my book. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. 😌

Sorry I started less often to post new chapters. 😔

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