Drink with me, doll

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On a hill stood a solitary house, exposed on all sides. The windows were dark. The front yard looked unkempt. It looked as if no one lived here for a long time.

Taehyung parked the car near the porch. I looked around, then looked at the guy in surprise. 

" Um... What are we doing here?" I asked, a little nervous.

" We just need a place to stay." Tae said, taking the key out of the ignition. " We'll spend the night here."

" It's breaking and entering." I frowned.

" You can sleep in the car if you want, doll." the guy said opening the car door. " But I don't recommend it because you'll freeze to death." 

He got out of the car and headed for the door.  

I gave him a stern look. 

I hate Taehyung, but he's right. I don't have much choice. 

While I was thinking, I heard a gunshot and a clink of glass. I shuddered. 

Tae reached through the broken glass insert in the front door and opened it. Then he turned his head in my direction. 

" So, are you coming or what?" the guy asked. 

Reluctantly, I got out of the car and walked over to him. 

To be honest, I was very afraid to be alone after everything that happened today. It seemed to me that my pursuers were somewhere nearby. But I was sure that as long as Tae was around, I was safe. 

 *       *       *

Taehyung and I turned on the heating and electricity, but the house was cold as hell. So we decided to sit in the living room because there was a fireplace. 

While Tae was lighting the fire, I found two blankets in the closet on the second floor and brought them to the living room. 

When I entered the room, I saw the guy open the liquor cabinet and examine its contents.

" Well.." he said with a sly look at me. "...what will you drink, doll? Whiskey, rum, or vodka?" 

" I don't drink alcohol" I answered, then put one blanket on the couch and draped the other over my shoulders.

" Okay, I hear you." the guy said and took out a black glass bottle. " So we'll drink red wine." 

" But wine is alcohol, too. " I objected. 

The guy smirked.

" So you're not going to drink?" he asked opening the bottle. 

" I already said no." I answered and sat down on the couch next to the fireplace.

" Oh, I'm sorry." the guy said. "I forgot that you're a good girl and you always do the right thing."

" No, I'm not like that at all. "  I started to boil. " I drank beer at parties. I just don't like the taste of alcohol." 

" You just don't like having fun." Taehyung said. His smile widened. He was clearly trying to make me lose my temper. "You're boring."

" Stop saying that." I exclaimed. 

Kim took a sip and shrugged.

" Drink with me then." Tae sat down next to me. He handed me the bottle and looked me straight in the eyes. It was a challenge. 

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