The old secret

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Author's note: This scene is a continuation of the chapter   " Your doll is mine".

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Chloe." Jimin answered. " Do you even know how to use a gun?"

The guy slowly turned around. The girl continued to aim at him. Her brows drew together. There was determination in the depths of her green eyes. But she was nervous. Her hand with the gun was trembling slightly.

Jimin couldn't understand what was going on.  A few hours ago, Chloe was an ordinary cute girl working in a coffee shop, but now she's threatening to shoot him. 

The guy looked at the gun. It was engraved with a multi-headed snake. Jimin had seen this mark before and knew exactly what it meant. People close to the Van Gossen mafia clan have guns with this engraving.

Jimin smirked.  

Huh...Chloe turned out to be not so innocent, surprisingly.  

"I ask you again, where is Melody Morgan?" the girl said. " And by the way, I can shoot. So don't expect I'll miss."

" No one can miss at such close range, Chloe." said another girl who was a few steps away from them. In her hand, she also had a gun with the same engraving.  "You're aiming for his face." 

Jimin didn't know the girl's name, but he had definitely seen her before.

" Would you hush, Emma?" Chloe said, turning to her friend.

" Okay, okay. I'll stop talking." the girl answered. " I just don't think we should do it at all. Maybe he's innocent."

Jimin looked carefully at one girl, then at the other. They definitely were not professional killers or something like that. Most likely their families are related to the Van Gossen clan, but these girls are nothing. They're just the daughters of some mobsters. They have never encountered the real criminal world.

" Did you ever kill a man?" the guy asked and looked Chloe straight in the eyes. " Considering how you reacted to that body we found in the car in the parking lot, I'm pretty sure you didn't. " he sighed. " Shooting someone isn't as easy as it looks. So put your gun down." 

" Chloe, I think you're wrong. I doubt this guy is one of...." her friend said looking at Jimin.

" I'm telling you, he's a shadow, and so are his friends. And Jungkook, by the way, is also one of them." the girl said. " I couldn't find any information on any of them. It's like they don't exist. This happens very rarely and means only one thing. " 

Jimin stared at Chloe with interest. He hadn't expected her to be so smart.

She was totally right. The killers from their organization are called shadows in the criminal world.

They got this name for several reasons. Firstly, none of them exist for the government. They don't have any documents. No birth certificates, ID's, or school certificates. For missions, they get fake documents always.  It is impossible to check them. 

Secondly, they were famous for the quality of their work. They never left any evidence.

Thirdly, during the entire existence of the organization, not a single hitman was sent to prison.  If the police managed to arrest someone, which was quite rare, then the criminal mysteriously disappeared from the cell. 

In short, it was completely impossible to track down or catch the people from the organization.

" Chloe, stop talking bad about Jungkook."Emma exclaimed, and looked at her friend sternly. " He can't be a shadow. I know that for a fact. He's nice. And he and Melody fell for each other..." 

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