Shooting Lesson

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I was awakened by the sound of a gunshot. I opened my eyes and sat up in bed. Taehyung wasn't in the bedroom. I was alone. It made me nervous. 

My heart was beating out of my chest. I held my breath and listened. Another shot rang out, and I flinched. The sound was coming from outside.

What the hell is going on? 

I waited another minute, hearing. There were a couple of shots then silence. I got out of bed and went to the window. The bedroom overlooked the backyard.

Pulling back the curtain, I winced at the bright morning sun. 

I saw Taehyung in the backyard, and I calmed down a little. 

Now it became clear where the noise came from.

The guy had set up a row of tin cans on a low stone fence and was shooting at them with a gun. 

What a jerk. He scared the hell out of me. I thought that the new kidnappers had come after me. 

I breathed a sigh of relief.  

 I watched him for a few minutes. 

Um, Taehyung is my kidnapper too, but I'm so used to him that sometimes I forget about it.  To be honest, I even began to get the feeling that he was some kind of relative of mine, like an older brother or something like that. He makes me feel safe. But this is not normal, because this guy is holding me hostage.

I think that everything that happened to me caused me psychological trauma. I'll have to read about Stockholm syndrome when I get the chance. 

Hmm, I could run away now while Taehyung is busy shooting. But I feel like it's a bad idea. The Chimera and Medusa people are looking for me. They're somewhere close. I know it. If I'm alone, without Tae, I'll be completely defenseless. 

Suddenly, I remembered the nightmare I had last night. I dreamed that I was walking along the road to my house, but I couldn't reach it. With every step I took, my home didn't get any closer. Then my father came out on the porch. I called out to him, but he didn't hear me. I ran, calling out to him, but it was no use. I was still very far away. Then I stopped. I realized that I could never go home.

Remembering this dream, I crumpled the edge of the curtain in my hands. My heart felt uneasy, as if this dream was prophetic. 

I shook my head, trying to shake off the bad thoughts.

"No, it's all nonsense. Dreams are just dreams, nothing more. " I thought, and closed the curtain.

*       *       * 

I went outside and went to Taehyung who was reloading his gun. He was standing with his back to me, but as soon as I got closer, he turned around. 

" Good morning, doll." the guy said looking me up and down. " You're just in time." 

"  Morning..." I mumbled. " Wait, what do you mean I'm in time?" 

" Well, the gun has a full magazine." Tae replied with a sly smile.

" Look, I still don't know what you're getting at." I replied frowning.

I was a little worried because you never know what to expect from this guy.

" You're hopeless, doll." Tae shook his head then suddenly took my hand. " Come here." He pulled me closer, then turned my back to him. Before I could protest, I was facing the makeshift targets, a gun in my hand. "Do you remember I promised to teach you how to shoot?" he asked. I nodded. " It will be the first lesson." Taehyung  said. 

" Okay..." I replied. It was very unexpected and I was a little confused. 

" So take the gun with both hands." Kim commanded. " It's not a movie" 

" But I saw you holding the gun with one hand." I objected.

" Firstly, I'm a pro. Secondly, learn how to shoot with two hands, and then we'll see." he said. 

I put my other hand on the gun, but I must have done it wrong, because Kim silently corrected me.A moment later, my hands were clenched around the gun. 

" So now put your feet shoulder-width apart." the guy said. " And keep your shoulders down, or your hands will shake. You can't hit the target." Tae smirked. " Oh, and don't tilt your head forward." He took my chin in his hand and pulled me back. I straightened up and blushed a little. No other guy besides Jungkook has ever touched my chin before. " Just raise the gun up to your eye level." 

The guy took a couple of steps back and put his hands behind his head, watching me.

" Okay, now what?" I asked frozen and feeling unsure. 

" Just aim and pull the trigger." he said. 

I aimed at the tin can in the center. I inhaled and exhaled, then inhaled and exhaled again, then sighed again... 

" Doll, It's not a yoga class. Stop breathing loudly, just shoot." Taehyung exclaimed. He's probably tired of waiting.

" I don't want to miss." I replied. " Don't distract me." 

I stood there for a few more seconds, gathering my courage. Then I pulled the trigger and felt the gun move back sharply in the next second. I almost dropped it. The sound of the gunshot was deafeningly loud. I instinctively closed my eyes, then opened them again. 

"Did I hit?" I asked. My heart was pounding like a drum.  

" Well, it depends where you were aiming." Taehyung replied. 

"I was aiming at the one in the middle." I pointed my finger at my target.

"Then you missed." the guy said. He was right, there was no new damage to the tin can. I sighed and frowned. " Just don't get upset. You didn't think you could do it on the first try, did you?" Tae smirked. 

" Well, I was hoping I could do better." I said

" Just try again." Taehyung replied. 

I nodded then I raised the gun again and took aim.

Hello my cute bunnies. 💖🐇🐇🐇💖

Sorry it took so long to post a new chapter. I had a lot to do. 😔

I hope this doesn't happen again and I can write new chapters once a week, as always. 🤔

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ☺️✨

💞 ❤️ Please don't forget to vote and leave comments. ❤️💞

💕😘 I love you 😘💕

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