Girlfriend Corporation: Two

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GFC Two..

Kiss for a demo?! What kind of fuckery was that?! But this girlfriend thingy was just plain unbelievable, hilarious and simply ridiculous. Who the fuck would believe something as silly as this, huh?!

"God. Can you just pick already?" I heard a girl said behind me and I instantly whipped my head where the voice came from. But no one was looking at me. Tss.

"Uhm. Miss, please decide. There's so many customers." The Mina girl said and I rolled my eyes. I looked at the five people at the mono block chairs and I unknowingly lifted the side of my lips in disgust.

I looked back to where the tons of people were looking at me or it was more of a glare. Tss. Why am I even doing here?

I turned around and looked at the five attractive girls. How can they do this to theirselves? Is this this their job? They couldn't find any more decent living? Seriously? I sighed and roamed my eyes to them. Just like earlier, someone has took my attention.

Gray. Almost silver hair. Her hair was short but not the pixie type of short. It reached the middle of her neck and she wasn't looking at anyone. In fact, she has her eyes closed. Her arms crossed in her arms, her legs also closed while she was resting her back at the mono block chair.

And I wondered why Yuna didn't picked her. It was as obvious as day that the gray head was the most attractive out of them all.

"Oh. Looks like I already know who your type is." What? What was this long blonde haired girl was talking about? Me? Picked someone? I don't remember saying something? "Jin. You were picked." Jin? Pfft. I couldn't help bit snort on her name. Wasn't that for guy's name? Jin? Like,  the Devil Jin from Tekken? I mean, she kinda looked wicked though.

She never once smiled and she was even scowling. She immediately walked down from the mini stage and I once again, heard that loud squeal from hormonal teenagers behind me. God. They're hopeless.

"Smack, lip-lock or torrid?" I gasped at the sudden question. W-what? What?! And the way she was looking at me boredly was annoying as heck.

"What the fuck?" I unconsciously muttered out my voice filled with annoyance.

"What? For the demo? That's the reason why you're here and you picked ME." The Devil Jin rolled her eyes. What the.. if this is her field of work, she shouldn't be qualified for the job! She's the type of person who would lash out on you every freaking time just because she wants to. She's so arrogant and her whole stance screams bad vibes. She also looked like she's very much impatient when it comes to a lot of things.

I formed my hands into fist and took a deep breathe. Relax, Lia. You don't want to punch a but face in front of these people.

"I know I'm beautiful. You can stop staring already." Oh, yeah. Of course she have to be oh-so-humble too. I always hated people like her. I prefer and always adore down to earth people. And this Devil Jin is literally the opposite.

"For your freaking information, I'm NOT staring at you. I'm GLARING, okay? Know the freaking difference." God. Forgive me if I do something out of annoyance.

"You're annoyed because I'm too attractive for you to handle?" Her smirk just added to my already fed up annoyance. "Let's just get this over with."

Then I was surprised when she suddenly pulled me closer.. and kissed me on the lips just like what that girl did to Yuna. Oh my why!!!

What the fuck was she doing?! I'm not here for this freaking demo! I'm here to fetch my best friend who I have to babysit at the age of 19! So I immediately pushed her away after the millisecond our lips had touched.

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