Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Three

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GFC Thirty Three

"Fucking Computer. Feels like a fucking major." I laughed on how blatant and harsh Chaeyoung's cuss was. It was the first time I have heard her curse like that. Obviously, she's that stressed out.

"I feel like my head is going to explode any minute now." I rested my head on the wall beside me and looked at the subjects that we're going to take up tomorrow.

We don't have an exam later anymore so I just have to review for the subjects for tomorrow. I really hate it when the exams took days to be finished. I'd love it to be just in a day so I can already breathe. Less worries with the upcoming days.

"Fundamentals of Accounting would be on Thursday, right?" Chaeyoungie asked while mimicking my position. But my neck soon went numb so I rested my head on my desk.

And unexpectedly, I saw Mina looking at Chaeyoung. I don't know if she saw me looking at her since my hair was blocking my face. If we're close, I would have told her that she's such a creep.

"She's staring at you." I mumbled half heartedly.

"What?" Chaeyoung also looked behind her but turned around again just right after. "Don't mind her." She said and shrugged off.

"Tss. You're being obvious you know?" I voiced out and looked up at her.

"Obvious over what?" She asked and rested her chin on her palm.

"Tell me honestly, was she your ex?" I ran my hand through the tangles of my hair that was hovering over my face so I can have a better look at her face.

"Tss." She hissed and rolled her eyes. I chuckled at the confirmation.

"You really should stop being bitter. It would seem like you're still hang up with your ex." I voiced out honestly. Seriously, I just think that they have to talk it out. Calmly. I'm sick with these walk out scenarios that's been happening every time Mina would approach us.

"It would be better if she was my ex though. The problem is, we've never been became a couple." I raised an eyebrow at her statement. They didn't? "It was better that way. I would have gone insane if we were." I frowned at Chaeyoungie's claim. What really happened between them? I doubt that she would tell me anyway. Better just shut up.

Chaeyoung then rested her head on desk facing me. Looking eye to eye, I realized that, she's cuter up close. I mean, she looked like a teenager more than an adult. Anyway, the deal between her and Mina was confusing the hell out of me.

"You're not going to ask me why we never became a couple?" I raised an eyebrow at the sudden question.

"As if you would tell me." We chuckled in unison at my conclusion.

"As if you're interested." Chaeyoung closed her eyes and took a deep sigh.

I so am but.. never mind.

"It was too cliché for my very own liking. The person you love, couldn't love you back." So in short, Mina was Chaeyoungie's past love.. or unrequited love.

We looked into each other's eyes for a good few seconds and I was the first one to look away. Geez. Now I know why we really can't have a normal conversation. I'm cringing I'm sorry. I should feel bad for her but, I'm disgusted by the fact that we're talking about our personal lives here. Hehehe.

The classes ended with me procrastinating as hell. Why don't they just give us this time to review instead of giving us more coverage for the freaking exams? This is fucking ridiculous. I mean, most professors are freaking insensitive and inconsiderate. I've been complaining about this since I was a freshman. I haven't changed one bit, I guess.

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