Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Three

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GFC Fifty Three

Lia's Point of View..

"Are you sure that you want to bring Zephora along with us?" Ryujin asked once again as I hissed in irritation. As much as I understand her thoughtful nature, I couldn't help but be annoyed on how many times she should ask me this question for her to understand that my answer would never change nor falter.

"Ryujin, want to get a punch on the face or let me drive in peace and fetch Zephora in complete silence?" I answered as I throw a glare on her direction. She just sighed and the frown on her face immediately bothered me. Did it came out too harsh? She's a baby then.

"I just want to make sure that you actually want us three to spend time together, you know?" For some reason, Ryujin just couldn't say that today is actually our last day in the contract. She's avoiding that subject at all cost so I just let her be. I pretty much prepared myself for the worst already so when the time comes, it wouldn't.. hurt that bad. And yes, I proposed the idea that Zephora, her and I spend the whole day together. She might have thought that I want to be alone with her since at exactly 12 am, we will officially break up. Surprise.

"For the nth time, yes, Shin Ryujin. I want to spend time with Zephora. If it's only up to me, I'd like to be alone with her. Yes, without you. But I still respect you as her mother and my girlfriend so I thought I owe you some decency to ask us to join, see? I'm that sweet." I answered sarcastically and chuckled right after saying it so she wouldn't get offended.

"Wow. That was so harsh. Does that mean you like Zephora more than me?" Ryujin sulkily asked as I took a short glance at her seat and narrowed my eyes on the road once again. I snorted at how she looked genuinely intrigued.

"What will you do if I say yes, I do like Zephora more than you?" I challenged as I contained my laughter as she huffed.

"I can just give you your own Zephora, you know?" I heard Ryujin lowly said as I felt her hand ran down my exposed thigh. I gasped and slapped her hand away harshly. Remember not to wear shorts around this perverted asshole.

"And how is that even possible? Unless.." My gaze unintentionally ran through her body and unconsciously bit my lip. Wow. That was pretty fucked up thought, Choi Jisu.

"We just have to.. try. I guess." I shivered when I heard her whisper on my ear and felt her breath on the side of my neck. Take a note, Lia. Never put your hair in a ponytail around Ryujin. She'll tease you to hell and leave you.. high and.. dry. Instinctively, I pushed Ryujin's face back to her seat as I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. My my, your hormones is going through the roofs these days, Lia. You even risked your lives for being a hoe. I accidentally swerved the car in the process of shoving Ryujin away.

"If you wanna die, do it yourself. Don't involve me." I once again glared at her but Ryujin just simply winked at me causing for me to huff in anger.

"Do you know Ilira's song 'Do It Yourself'? It goes like this. 'I, touch myself like nobody else. Bigger, better. Do it yourself.' I think it is kinda bor--"

"Shin Fucking Ryujin!" I scolded raising my voice. I pulled over the car to be cautious and looked at Ryujin with an annoyed expression. I still can feel my cheeks heating up. Whether from embarrassment or pure anger, I don't know anymore. Maybe both. But she was just grinning from ear to ear. "HEY--" Ryujin hastily took off her seat belt and the next thing I knew, she was pressing up her lips on mine.. and straddling me. I can still feel her smirk while she was kissing me. Pressing her upper body on mine, almost violently kissing me. It took me a few seconds to process what actually was happening and felt myself kissing her back. I reached out on my own seat belt and adjusted my seat on the process; leaning back more. There it was again, the erratic heart beating in my chest. The euphoric explosion in my stomach, and the goose bumps all over my body.

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