Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Two

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 GFC Sixty Two..

Heejin's Point of View..

Maybe the pain won't go away after pushing it out of your life, maybe you should accept and just live with it.

Because one day, you might regret not bonding with it when you still have it.

That's my biggest regret.. with a lot of things that I did in the past. If only I could turn back time, I wouldn't have ran after a person I knew first hand, wasn't going to be completely in love with me.

"Unnie! Hey, Heejin Unnie!"


"If loving me means feeding your fantasy please, break me apart instead than fluttering me with something that's not intended to make me happy. " I offered a half smile after saying that. After years of disappearing and refusing to be present in his daughter's life, here he is, begging me to take him back and let him be a part of Zephora's life.

Choi Yeonjun.. how the heck was I so stupidly in love with you? Right. I already said it. I was so stupid back then.

Under the dimly lit lamp post where we were standing under, I can see how slightly devastated his eyes are. But not sincere enough for me to actually believe it. He was still after Ryujin, wasn't he? He's going to use me.. again to get Ryujin. It was never been me. And it will never be that way.

"Don't you love me anymore? Zephora needs a father!" He exclaimed as I sarcastically held out a chuckle. Ludicrous.

"Did you ever love me?" I asked solemnly without blinking. It was not because I wasn't over him, it was because it took a huge ass part of my sanity. What he did.. what he did was unforgivable.

I tightened my hold on the sleeves of my jacket as a cold wind breezed. What a cliche. Men.. they are trouble. Ryujin was right. Especially when she said that specifically to Yeonjun. But, I was young back then. Naïve.. and was blinded by his pretty face and perfect smile. Just like any other girls in high school.

I looked at him dead in the eyes. And he fidgeted under my excruciating gaze.

"Of.. of course I did." I huffed on the obvious lie. "I'm not.. completely sure. But at some point, I think I did. I---"

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