Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Nine

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GFC Thirty Nine

"Hey, Shin Ryujin! You told me that you're not going to watch my game!" I whined after I reached the sidelines. Ryujin and I had had an agreement that she's not going to watch any of my game to not distract me. And here she was, casually sitting Indian style beside my belongings. Good thing I only saw her just right after I finished my match. And I won.

"You won. Congratulations, baby." Ryujin broke in a smug smile as I picked up my bottled water and took a gulp. "Geez. I watched like, the four last rallies. And you still won?" I rolled my eyes and sat beside her. There's only the two of us that was left in the room since I'm the last match for the day. And the basketball crossover is going to start anyway. It was the most anticipated sport as always. Well, depends if Ryujin and Chaeryeong have a game. Half of the audience would be at the covered court to watch badminton. Half would be at the gym to watch those sweaty guys ran around after a ball. When in fact they have their own.

Okay. That was disgusting.

"Whatever. Don't you have a game? And where is Zephora?" I asked perplexed. We've brought Zephora with us because there's no one who would attend to her.

"Zephora was kidnapped." I raised my eyebrow when she said that so casually. "By your best friend. She said it like, 'Jin Unnie! I'm going to borrow your daughter, okay? we're going to visit the stalls at the fair. The rides aren't opened yet but they offer those mouthfuls that I have only seen in movies. You can't go with us. I don't want to treat you. However, Zephora can have all of my allowance this month. Hehehehehe. Byebye'. That's what she said." I snorted at how Ryujin even copied Yuna's voice and giggle. Also, when Yuna sticks her tongue out a bit when she's asking for something. They almost looked and sounded identical. But, Yuna being a sucker on the little kid was a news for me. She never mentioned it before. She was never drawn to any other kids that we've encountered. "So, yeah. I'm just here to fetch you. We have a game at exactly thirty minutes from now and I want you to watch. You're my lucky charm." Ryujin added as she scoot closer and rested her head on my shoulder. I instinctively rested on her head as well.

As I felt Ryujin's arm extended and softly gripped on my side, I felt relaxed. It was almost as if I wanted to fall asleep right here right now. It almost felt like..

"Are you tired? You can take a rest first then. Do you want me to walk you back to your apartment?" I chuckled when she suddenly broke the comfortable silence. It was too comfortable that my thoughts was already wondering into dangerous territory.

"I'm fine. A bit sleepy but I can manage. I want to watch you as well." Zephora didn't slept until 1 am. It was crazy how patience Yuna had actually had for the little kid. I was just as surprised as Ryujin. Also, I watched them three mess around the living room while watching an educational programme. Some documentaries about animals and astronomy. Zephora liked those the best according to Ryujin.

She's really smart for her age. She can name scientific names of animals and some other people that discovered these or that in science. Ryujin admitted that she doesn't like that certain field. I mean, science and biology. But she excels in numbers and business. A total opposite of Zephora who glared at my accounting books when she walked in inside my room. Looks like she found it really annoying as well. Yuna and I love astronomy like everyone else. Come on, who doesn't like the study of stars and the outer space, right? That has got to be the most awesome thing that was discovered. So, Zephora, Yuna and I agreed that we hate Mediterranean people who discovered Math. Partially hating Einstein for discovering Physics.

Yeah. Zephora even know those things. How wholesome of a three year old that she is, right? That and her cute little face made her too irresistible. Not to mention that I'm a sucker with those.. whisker dimples as well. It was too identical with Ryujin's that confirmed that she was indeed.. hers. And just last night, I noticed more similarities between them.

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