Girlfriend Corporation: Eighteen

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GFC Eighteen..

"And then what happened?" I asked while raising raising an eyebrow.

"That's it, babe! If you only saw that freaky, geeky being-- Ugh. I hate her!" I was trying my very best not to laugh at Yuna just like what Ryujin was doing. She's looking at Yuna while playing on the spoon on her mouth. "And then this, on our first encounter, she gave me once over, babe. A head to toe look while her lips was lifted in slight disgust. It was very obvious I'm so much more beautiful than her!"

I bit my lip to hold back my in fending laughter. This is not the time to do that especially when Yuna is mad. Even though it was that funny, I chose not to because hell knows what she can do when she's fuming. She's scary.

"Maybe you just misinterpreted the person?" I voiced out my opinion while finishing my dinner.

"M-misinterpret? Babe, you know how us, girls can be a bitch at times! How, when and why. She definitely has a thing on Chaeryeong. It's very obvious!" I looked at Yuna's reddening face. She's that pissed? Pfft.

"Yeah, I know. And right now, you're bitching too and the reason why, you're jealous." Ryujin snorted beside me. I wanted to laugh too but, as much as I wanted to let out a laughter, I'm trying my very best not to. I don't want to be at the receiving end of her fury. So I pin he'd Ryujin's side to make her stop from laughing.

"Hey! You two, really! You've been holding back your laughter since I started telling you that story!" Yuna glared. "And I already told you, I'M NOT JEALOUS!"

And that's when Ryujin lost it. She literally was laughing her ass off and she was even clapping and slapping the table. I was also laughing but I'm holding back.. a lot my throat hurts already. Yuna was definitely digging a hole on Ryujin's forehead on how hard and stern her stare was and Ryujin was there, completely oblivious on to what's happening.

"Jin Unnie!" Yuna stomped her feet on the floor.

"Sorry, Yuna." She said while chuckling. "I just couldn't help it."

"This is not a laughing matter!" Yuna glared at us. Why was she glaring at me too? I tried my best not to laugh at her jealous ass.

"And this is not an 'I should be pissed off' matter either, babe." I added. I'm right, aren't I? This is pure jealousy. If this is not, I don't know what it is anymore. But I'm pretty sure it was the issue in here. Nothing else.

"Babe!" Yuna groaned and slumped on her seat.

Ryujin took away the dishes and arranged it on to the sink. There was still that annoying smirk plastered on her face. She better stop before Yuna snapped on her. She wouldn't hear the best of it.

"Babe, may I ask why you're mad?" I asked Yuna and she avoided my gaze.

"Because.. because.."

"See? You just saw them two together earlier then gave you a once over, and you're suddenly like that? And now you're mad at Chaeryeongie. Really, babe?" Yuna glared at me. Guilty. "Look, babe. I'm not against on that jealousy of yours. But.. if you're starting to gain feelings.. real feelings towards her, remember that this is only--"

"I know. Temporary. But I want to enjoy my three months with her. I didn't pay that amount of money to share her with somebody else." Yuna rolled her eyes. "It's just annoying. I wouldn't have had a problem with her if she was nice with me. I know Chaeryeong is attractive and it wasn't impossible for people to have their eyes on her." I heard her sigh.

"It's because you let yourself be affected. Just let them be. You know at the end of the day, she's still your girlfriend." For now at least. I walked towards Ryujin and put the plates and utensils on the rack when she's done washing it. At least she knows some basic life skill though she can't cook.

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