Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Seven

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GFC Thirty Seven

Chaeryeong's Point of View..

Hwang Stuffs. Been a while since I came here. Actually, this is only the third time that I have been here. The first time was back when we were in junior year in high school and the second time was.. two and a half years ago. A lot has changed from the exterior of the huge building that their family owns. The Hwang Empire was one of the biggest and most influential family in the country. They own chains of art galleries across the continent. They're also the most prestige and most trusted security company out there. Most artists and entertainment companies personal bodyguards are from the Hwang Stuffs. Weird company name, I know.

So, I know that she would be able to help Ryujin and I. We used to be best friends anyway. I smiled bitterly at the time of us three together when we were young. A lot of things happened before we decided to part ways. Though this might be a little bit pretentious of me to even think of coming to her for help. After.. after what I've done to her.

You sure one of a fucked up, Lee Chaeryeong. How are you going to ask her to help you get Ryujin out of the corporation? Would it make you conscience free if you would tell her that it's okay with you if it's only Ryujin who will manage to get away from GFC, Chaeryeong? Would it make you feel better if Ryujin would lose her living in exchange of other people getting hurt again? Was Lia and Yuna more important than Ryujin, Heejin Unnie and Zephora? Was it even a question? I've known the latter for years. Since we were in middle school, Ryujin and I have always been inseparable. And I've met Heejin Unnie in the process. And I have been there ever since Zephora was born. I watched her grow up.


Ryujin and Lia.. I've never seen Ryujin act like that with anyone aside from before she started working at Girlfriend Corporation or ever since Zephora was born. She smile more often before. She was more easy and outgoing. She doesn't have a lot of friends but it was enough for her. She hates being surrounded but also loathed being alone. So it was always Yeji, Ryujin and I before. Always has been the three of us. Not until.. the corporation and fate fucked us three over. I hope Ryujin realizes that soon enough. Before she lose the opportunity of being genuinely happy with Lia. Because little by little, I'm seeing the old Ryujin when she's together with her.

But, I don't know what's going on inside her head. The only thing that I'm certain about was that, she feels something towards Lia. And I want her to get away from the chains that was holding her back towards her happiness. And.. ruining someone elses life in the process? I think Ryujin suffered enough. Zephora and her deserves to be free from all of these bullshits.

Do you have a say in Ryujin's decision making and how she should live her life, Chaeryeong? What if in instance, you'd manage to get away at GFC with Ryujin, what's going to happen after that? Have you ever think of that? Ryujin would not accept any financial help from any of us. Trust me, I've tried before.

"May I ask what brings you here, Chaeryeong?" I jolted and immediately turned around to see where the voice came from.

The person I came here for was standing firmly and was looking at me intently. Her fierce gaze was just as intimidating as before. Not until you've got to know her better.

"Do you have time for a cup of coffee? I need to talk to you." I tried my best not to falter while saying that. I'm nervous as to how she's going to take my request. And the way she kinked an eyebrow didn't helped my nerves that everywhere. I knew this was a bad idea.

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