Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Seven

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GFC Forty Seven

Ryujin's Point of View..

"This isn't the way I've, 'we've' raised you, Ryujin! We didn't took you and Heejin from a dumpster to embarrass our family like that! We've gave you shelter, a place you can call home, fed you, dressed you up, gave you the best education, gave you basically everything a decent parent could give you. How did you turned to be this way?! And to think that you've dragged your sister into lying so you could get away with this?! Why?! Ryujin, I'm literally just an inch away from throwing you both away from MY family! You choose, abandon that child or stay with all the luxury my family can offer and continue living off a completely different and good life?" I looked at the sleeping figure of Zephora. Completely unaware of the screaming match that was happening just a few meters away from her crib. I couldn't help but tear up. Isn't abandoning her just as bad as killing her? I also looked at my father who only kept quiet and had his eyebrows furrowed in.. concern. He's always been warm. I looked at my older sister who refused to look me in the eye. What happened to 'We're in this together?' What happened to, 'No matter what happens, I'll explain it in your behalf, Jin.' 'I promise to protect you and Zephora with all my might.' Where are those comforting words, Unnie? I badly need you to defend me right now. At this point, I'm going to lose my mind if you don't say something.

I badly wanted to scream, shout, throw things in frustration. Mom was right. They gave me, us, all of the things that we wouldn't be able to experience if we stayed on the orphanage. I wouldn't be able to experience having a 'reliable' and 'understanding' sister. The sister that I've wished to have since garnering an awareness of what happened to me when I was still basically an infant. And they were asking me to do the same to Zephora.

"If it wasn't for your older sister asking to look for you, we would have never bothered adopting you, Ryujin. Do you know how much I'm regretting it all now? What would other people say if they find this out? And to think that the child was already a month old and you didn't even bothered telling us? We could have done something to.. prevent this from happening!" Abortion. That was what she was trying to say. It was funny how it was also my sister's first thought when she found out. A muffled sob escaped my trembling lips. "Ryujin, imagine what will our business partners would say. Or the media outlets. That the biggest tycoons of the country failed to raise their children into becoming a decent women, huh? Imagine them writing your name in the headlines being a disgrace to the Shin Family and Incorporate? I don't want to hear the end of it. I am NOT going to have any of these, Heejin, Ryujin." I brought my hand to my head and pulled my hair in distress. I took a side glance on my sister who stayed still and was biting her nails. Clearly just as frustrated as I was. Or even more. She's always been looking out for me but I wonder what made her so quiet this time. This time that I badly needed a back-up. Just a single word of encouragement would be enough, Unnie. Because I'm so close of crushing down right now.

Asking me to abandon Zephora in exchange of being still in the family, having not to worry about anything else. Waking up being served by tons of maids, a driver that could drive you to school, a card that could buy everything you needed and wanted to, a life that absolutely everyone would kill to experience. But, was it worth it having to live a life offered on a silver platter by.. leaving.. and killing an innocent child? It would never suffice.. nor justify it no matter how much I think about it. Sure, I respect those people who resorted to abortion for personal and good reasons too. But.. I just couldn't see myself doing the same thing.. for what? Money? Fame? Cars? Expensive education? Silver spoon on my mouth? Though.. am I ready to get cut off? Am I ready to live alone? Raise Zephora by myself? And.. my sister? Am I ready being disowned? It couldn't be that bad.. right? I, we, pretty much grew up without our parents attending on our needs. It was always other people. The only thing that would change on my perspective was the luxurious life. Am I ready to face the world outside without the usual help from my Foster parents? I could live without that much money.. right? For Zephora? For my sister.. and for myself?

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