Dan "The Foot Fetish" Schneider

106 11 14

Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault Allegations

Okay, first off, wanna say this before I forget.
The pimple thing in that one show, didn't something similar happen in Victorious? When...what was his name? Robbie? The kid with the puppet? Didn't he have a bad dream where he was smaller and on a plate and his puppet blew a bunch of snot on him?

That scene was just...ugh. That was so uncomfortable when I saw it.

iCarly was one of my favorite shows, 2nd under Hannah Montana. But even then, the close up feet stuff always made me uncomfortable when I was like 6 years old.
As much as I loved the show, I always felt something was off. Guess my gut was screaming at me to listen even back then.

Aside from Spongebob, almost every good show from there has turned up made by pedos.

Honestly, I don't care if you have a foot fetish. You like what you like. I don't like it, but it's not my buisness.

But when you're bringing freaking children, CHILDREN, to act out your foot fetishes, there's a problem.
And then profiting from it, and even possibly getting some PREGNANT, there's something REALLY wrong.

And then that thing with Arians Grande with the water and the potato...
How the hell does this guy think parents watching this with their kids aren't going to care!?

And Nickelodeon...freaking just paying him tons of money and telling him to shoo out the doggy door...

Why do people still trust Hollywood? With all this news sparking up, with all these creeps being revealed, with all of this, how do people still trust Hollywood!?

This song goes with this situation, with all the stars who ended up victims.

They find you
Two-time you
Say you're the best they've ever seen
You should've never trusted Hollywood

I wrote you
And told you
You were the biggest fish out here
You should've never gone to Hollywood

They take you
And make you
They look at you in disgusting ways
You should've never trusted Hollywood

This is a perfect representation of what Hollywood really is.

"Rock is satanic."
No, these rockers are trying to give a warning to the pedophile home that is Hollywood. Not even Satan would touch that.
Yes, it's not just in Hollywood this stuff happens, but it's one of the biggest places for this.
It's where many from all around the world go to get famous. Including many children. Including parents who are either too money hungry and/or too dumb to know or care what they're putting their children into.

I swear, Tom Kenny or Neil Patrick Harris is gonna turn up freaking pedos next!

Whenever we have good people speaking out about this, they're silenced or "commit suicide." Or die in an "accident."

Seriously, down with Hollywood.
Down with the system that puts the rich above.
Down with these companies that do this stuff!

Screw staged riots at the white house! Riot against Hollywood!
Riot against the injustice so many children have faced!
Riot against what people like Johnny Depp have gone througj!

Hellwood needs to fall!

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