Freddie Gibbs

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TW for those who have BPD or anger issues.

Who's Freddie Gibbs?
A rapper.
Why is he being mentioned here?


He's the guy recording this.

The guy in the video, once he found out the situation was going viral, said he has BPD and Schizo something. (I forgot what it was exactly, but it wasn't Schizophrenia, I don't think)
And beforehe started recording, it is reported that Gibbs also called this guy a F*ggot. And then while this poor guy proceeds to leave to try and calm himself, crying and having a mental breakdown, Gibbs proceeds to record that as well.

For some mistake A DIFFERENT employee made. This kid doesn't know the full situation, and he's being blamed for it. He's just trying to make a living, pay the bills, put food on his table. Maybe feed some pet(s) and family. And this guy is just being a dik.

And there was people pulling the race card, saying that "He only did this because he's a white kid dealing with a black man" and schist when Gibbs posted it on Twitter. There's even videos on YT defending this guy. Some even said that this guy shouldn't even work here, as if disabled people don't have to make a living too.

No. This guy was calling this kid gay slurs, harrassing him, recording him without the guys consent, proceeding to push his mental state from bad to worse. No matter either of their skin colors, the guy recording is 100% COMPLETLY in the wrong.
I also found some videos of Gibbs being "WTF" for getting a ticket after running a red light. Which is, you know, what's a part of the law. I can already tell he's one of those individuals who thinks he's above all.

Thankfully, the majority are on the employee's side, a YouTuber even made a GoFundMe so that, when they found out his identity, he can get the money. A few thousands have been raised so far. If I ever saw this kid during our few days at HI, I'd give him a hug.
He quit the job though, and his former job was also on his side when they saw the video. Hopefully whatever form of payment he gets next involves less asssholes like this.

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