Artemis's Parents - Part Three

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Okay to be fair, I was going to sleep, but seriously who has time for sleep.

So I made Part 3. Hope you all enjoy.


Artemis's POV

Slowly, I opened the file. First thing I noticed were the first large name on the paper, Eliana. The next thing I noticed was that the last name next to it was smudged out, making it so that I couldn't see it.

I grabbed the paper, looking at it closely. I could feel Rikku leaning in to look at it behind me.

"Eliana's a nice name," Rikku commented, looking at the paper from behind me.

"Y-yeah," I said, scanning the rest of the paper. There was a picture of a woman, probably about 25 years old. She had black hair, with a streak of silvery white in it like mine. She had light blue eyes, and a happy smile on her face.

I looked down the page and saw a few things underneath of it.

Gender - Female
Age - 26, Deceased
Birth Date - Feb 8, 1980
(Ehem I did the math I think that's the right age if Artemis is 16???)
Eye color - Blue
Hair Color - Black, White
Quirk - Shadow
Profession - Pro Hero
Hero Name - Shadow Wisp

"She's Pretty! I like her eyes!" Rikku said, being his happy self.

I laughed at little bit. "Yeah, she is..." I replied, smiling a little.

I pulled out the next piece of paper in the small stack. The next name I saw was Justin. Again, the last name was strangely smudged out so that I couldn't see it. I read the print on the bottom on this one too.

Gender - Male
Age - 27
Birth date - Oct 21, 1979
Eye color - Black
Hair color - Brown
Quirk - Flame
Profession - Pro Hero
Hero name - Sun Fire

"Oh my gosh! Artemis!" Rikku says excitedly, "Do you know what this means?!!!"

I turned towards him, slightly confused. "No.... should I?" I asked, confused.

Rikku smiled, bouncing up and down. "This means that both your parents were Pro heroes!" He cheered happily. "You were destined to be here! You'll be the best Pro hero ever!"

"Well I don't know about that," I said modestly, "but thanks Rikku, you know, you really are a great friend."

"Yay!" Rikku said, bouncing up and down again.

I smiled, looking back down at the papers. "Oh hey!" I said, pointing at a spot on the paper. "They both went here at monarch academy to!"

Rikku gasped. "Your even more destined!" He beamed. I laughed, smiling as his hat hit my face. Then I realized something.

"Rikku, why are you up at 2 am?" I asked.

Rikku's face immediately went from happy to... a terrible cover face.

"I-I h-have no-o Idea w-what your-r talking abouttt....." he replied extremely guilty sounding.

"Rikku..." I started to say, before Rikku burst out the door.

"I'm not telling and you can't make me!" He yelled, bouncing down the stairs.

I heard a different yell come from downstairs, one from a probably not so happy Shino.

"YOU TWO KNOW IT IS 2 AM IN THE MORNING, RIGHT?!! TWO AM! SHHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled at us, trying to sound angry. Rikku giggled, popping his head back inside.

"Anyways, night Artemis go to sleep got to go BYIII!!!!" He said, making all his words sound mixed together like a blur.

And that, is why you never annoy Shino while he's trying to sleep. UwU

Anyways, Hope you guys enjoyed the last part. I didn't exactly know Artemis's last name, so I just made it so they were mysteriously smudged out because why not? Anyways, bye yo

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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