Snow Day - (Blake X Jack)

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Okay, I got this idea based of the fact that I have never actually been to snow. Well, I mean, I have, but one time it was when I was like 4 and another time I was really PISSED OFF CAUSE I HAD TO WEAR PINK AND I COULDN'T ENJOY IT!!

So yep, I've always wanted to live in a place where there's at least a foot or two of snow in the winter, mainly because I love Ice Skating and am actually pretty good at it. (That and writing are like the only two things I'm good at) That was what inspired this, SO YAY.

Also Ps, this was set so that one, Blake lived in like California where it snows basically no where, and so that It's near winter.


Blake's POV

Once I got up in the morning, I almost immediately realized something was wrong. For two reasons, actually.

The first reason. I couldn't hear... Anything coming from downstairs. No Flex or Kol doing something stupid to wake me up. That happened about half the time now, which was really, REALLY tiring by the way. But even when they didn't wake me up in the morning, I can usually always here them talking REALLY LOUDLY or doing something else extremely idiotic.

Get this, one morning, they were trying to put watermelon in the toaster. I mean, come on. Are they really that dumb. Also, WHY THE FLIP WOULD ANYONE PUT A PERFECTLY GOOD PEICE OF WATERMELON IN THE TOASTER?!!! COME ON!!!

Ehem, anyways, this morning, I could hear nothing. No plots to wake up Blake, no screaming matches, no annoyingly loud talking. No nothing. It was... Silent. Which was a nice change, but also really weird.

The second reason I realized something was wrong was that It was so much colder than normal. Yeah, I get it, we're in the middle of winter, it's going to be cold. But it usually wasn't this cold, not even here.

I really didn't understand. I could sense that something was off, something weird, something strange that I had never seen before. And this feeling was something that I immediately didn't like, the feeling of actually being a little bit... cold.

I got up, got dressed, and walked down the stairs. I looked around, immediately noticing nothing. Okay, that's super weird. Usually, the boys were out here doing something dumb by now. If not, I would have been able to hear Flex's incredibly loud snoring, which was something I was concerned about since he technically didn't have a mouth. I mean really, how in the flipping world did he snore?

I sighed, shaking the thought from my head as I poured a bowl of milk so I could get myself some cereal. I grabbed my phone, checking the time.

Huh, 8:30? I really wonder where my two idiotic roommates got off to this early. I sat down, about to eat my cereal when the door bell rang. Great, just great. As soon as I was about to eat, too.

"Come in!" I yelled. I watched as the door immediately burst open and a very excited looking Jack burst through. And when I mean he looks excited, I mean he looks really excited.

His eyes were shining like stars, even though he was panting like crazy. I was assuming he probably ran here. He was bundled up in a Blue and white jacket, with a pair a sweat pants on which i'm assuming had a few other layers under them.

"Blake!" He yelled. "You have to come see this!!" His voice was full of excitement and happiness that made me internally smile. I didn't answer for a couple seconds, just staring at his cute face....

ARG, SNAP OUT OF IT, BLAKE!!!! Right, now it's time for my annoyed face, the one that reads the words, 'Don't Care', in big, bold letters. I sighed, putting my hands on my hips.

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