Help! (Kiyo X Yuuto)

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Am I currently working on like 10 stories AND a Valentine's Day Special? Yes. Am I currently in a place where I get SO MUCH LAG AND IT SUCKS, Yes I am. And am I currently Supposed to be doing homework? ALSO YES! BUT I DON'T CARE CAUSE THE WORLD CAN WAIT TILL IM DONE WRITING! Ehem, anywaysssss, In this story, basically Yuuto is getting attacked by two villains of campus and Kiyo saves him. Hope y'all enjoy!!!!


Yuuto's POV

I was walking around the store in the parking lot, humming. Kiyo had just left to go to the bathroom, and I was waiting for him. I leaned against a wall, looking at everything around me.

Then, I noticed something strange. Two people, a guy and a girl, both wearing black and grey things. They seemed to be talking about something, but I couldn't hear them. I mean, I would have been able too, thanks to my ears, but they were whispering.

I decided just to let it slide and observe them until one of them pointed at me. Then, the other one nodded and they started walking towards me. I started trembling, scared. Once they were about 30 feet away. I took off running.

I could hear there footsteps racing behind me, so I kept going. I ran and ran as fast as I could, until I had got to the side of the store. Terrible place to get tired, I know.

I whirled around, Trembling like crazy as the two people approached me.

"S-s-s-s-stay b-b-b-back-k!" I attempted to yell, but it came out as more of a whispering, stuttering mess. The two villains laughed at me.

"What? You scared, cat boy?" The girl said, her voice taunting. I backed myself against the wall, wishing I had a ghost quirk right now. The other guy shot a rock at me, which left me gasping for air. I fell to the ground, trying to refill my lungs.

One of the people came over and yanked my hair harshly, pulling me towards him. He then slapped my face really hard, causing my nose to bleed. "Give us your money, Stutter Cat!" He hissed at me.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't even speak, terrified. Then, I heard the voice of someone who I was desperately hoping would show up. He was like an angel, and in more than one way.

"Hey!" Kiyo growled, "Let him go, now."

Kiyo's POV

As soon as I left the bathroom, I instantly looked for my cru- I mean Yuuto! Yeah, Yuuto... Ehem, anyways, I noticed he wasn't where he was a couple minutes ago.

My mind instantly started panicking, but I shoved it down, internally cursing myself for immediately thing the worst. He was probably just taking a walk around the building or something, Yeah.

Anyways, I walked to the side of the building, and instantly heard voices.

"Give us your money, stutter cat!" I heard someone hiss. I turned the corner to see two robbers, one of them grabbing Yuuto by the hair. He slapped his face really hard, causing his nose to bleed. I growled.

"Hey! Let him go, now!" I hissed angrily.

The villains laughed. "What are you going to do about it, kid?" The girl asked me.

"If you don't let him go right now, I'll rip you into peices and feed you to a pack a wild wolves," I growled. The guy smirked.

"Alright then, prove it!" He said, smirking. I ran over to him, fast as lightning, and pushed his head into the wall. I placed my hand on his neck, pinning him there.

"Now then, either you run along, Or i'll rip you to shreds with my bare hands and let you bleed on the floor, got it?" I hissed. The guy swallowed, and nodded at me, fear lacing his eyes. I dropped him, and the two people ran.

Before I could even turn around to look at Yuuto, I felt someone jump on me. "Thank you so much, Kiyo!" Yuuto said happily. I smiled, blushing a little, and hugged him back.

"No problem," I said, my heart rate speeding up a little bit. I grabbed his chin, making him look at me so I could inspect the damage on his face. He had a bloody nose, and a red slap mark on his face, but nothing too bad. I still growled a little, thinking that anyone would hurt my bean.

"Thanks, Kiyo," Yuuto said again, blushing a bit. I smiled.

"Any time, Cat boy," I replied, hugging him again.

Okay, I know this is kinda short, But I haven't really written many ship chapters soooooo..... YEET. Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed! Also, sorry I didn't post yesterday, I put two new 600 word mini ship stories into my Valentine's Day Special sooo.... yeah! Anyways, Peace.

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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