Carmel - (Shino X Artemis)

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Okay, two things I need to confess about. One, I have become WAY to obsessed with the Artino ship, like way, WAY to obsessed. Also, I'm a noob at life and I had to look up what butterscotch was because the only thing I eat is chocolate and Baked things. (Also I just used Carmel cause I forgot XD) Anyways, this one was requested by The_One_French_Fry. I also changed the plot a bit cause I was SUPER lazy today UwU. Anyways, Hope Y'all Enjoy!!!!


Artemis's POV

I was walking back to our dorm after school. We had the Cafe Club in a little bit, but I wanted to see Shino first. Anyways, once I got to the dorm, I saw Shino sitting on the couch, using his phone.

"Hi Shino!" I said happily. Shino turned to look  at me.

"Oh, Hi Artemis," Shino replied.

"What are you up to?" I asked him.

"Oh just, trying to order Carmel." Shino answered. "I can't find any for some reason, It's really strange.

"Oh! Wait, you like Carmel?" I asked. Shino nodded.

"Yep," He said, "Especially the hard candys."

"Oh, um, I've never tried it before." I replied. Shino did an exaggerated gasp.

"Really?!" Shino said, shocked. "You definitely have to try some! I mean, once I can find a place where they not out of stock. I've been looking for 4 hours."

"4 hours?!" I exclaimed. Shino sighed, nodding. I checked my phone, looking to see what time it is. I gasped. "Oh no! I'm going to be late for the Cafe Club! I have to go, see you Shino!!!"

I ran out the door, a plan coming to mind.

——Time Skip Brought To You By Me Being Laziiii UwU——

Still Artemis's POV - UwU

"Hi Guys!" I said happily, walking into the cafe Club.

"Oh, Hi Artemis!" Rikku said happily. I giggled.

"Hi Arti!" Shizu said, smiling.

"Have you guys seen Yuuto around by any chance?" I asked. I then almost immediately saw a small little cat boy popped his head out from behind a counter.

"O-Oh! H-H-H-Hi A-A-Artemis!" Yuuto said nervously.

"Hi Yuuto!" I replied happily. "Hey! I have a question! Do you by any change know how to make Carmel candy?"

Yuuto tilted his head, his ears twitching. "What do you mean?" He asked me.

"You know, like the hard ones that come In tins! I found out Shino likes them, and he's been looking online for hours trying to find some, so I thought maybe I could get him some!" I replied.

"Awwww! That's so cute!" Shizu said from behind me. I could feel a slight blush appear on my face.

"O-Oh!" Yuuto said. "Sure! I-I could m-make you s-some!" I smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much, Yuuto!" I replied happily.

Shino's POV

After Artemis had left, I had looked for a couple more minutes before deciding just to make lunch for us once he got back to the dorms. I ended up just making some roast beef sandwiches. I put Artemis's in the fridge, and waited for him to come back.

After a little while, Artemis burst the the sores excitedly. "Shino!" He said happily, his eyes lighted up like stars. I laughed a bit.

"Hi Artemis. What's got you so excited?" I asked. He ran over to me, shoving a small tin van into my hands. I looked at him, confused.

"Open it!" He said, his voice echoing with excitement. I smiled, popping open the smooth, metal lid of the tin can. I gasped once I saw what was inside.

I saw about 20 or 30 small, Carmel hard candies in the tin. I looked over at Artemis, shocked. He looked a little nervous.

"D-Do you like it?" He asked me.

"Artemis... Wow. Thank you so much!" I said happily, smiling at him. Artemis smiled back, looking slightly relieved. "Where did you get these?" I asked.

"Oh! I asked Yuuto to make them, since he was part of the cafe club and new how too!" Artemis replied.

"Well, thank you Artemis, so, so much." I thanked him. I kissed him check, causing him to blush a little. "Have you had one yet?" I asked.

"Um, not yet." He replied. I grabbed him arm, pulling him over to the couch. "Wanna eat these and watch a movie?" I asked.

Artemis smiled. "Sure! There's a movie I saw online everyone always talks about called Ghost Busters. Is it weird I've never seen it?"

I shrugged. "To be fair, I haven't either. Everyone always talks about how good it is. Do you want to watch it, since we both haven't seen it?" I asked. Artemis nodded excitedly, causing me to laugh.

For the rest of the day, Me and Artemis cuddled on the couch, eating Carmel candies and just having a... great time.

Okay, yeah the ending was kinda weak, but I thought it was cute!!!!! Oh my flipping gods I actually love this ship. It's one of DA BESTTT!!! Ehem, anywaysss... Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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