Some Inncorrect Quotez Fo U - FTO Themed

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Ritchie - If you had to choose between David and all the money I had in my pocket, which would you chose?
Mario - Depends. How much money do you have?
David - WAIT WHAT?!!
Ritchie - Sixty Two cents!
Mario - I'll take the money.
David - MARIO!!!!


E.Ritchie - I don't Identify as Male or Female, I identify as a threat


Micheal - Please make sure all small items are secured.
Ritchie - (Grabs onto Micheal)
Micheal - What the Fuck are you doing?
Ritchie, whispering - Do you feel safe?
Micheal - I hate you.


Brian - Are you a big spoon or a little spoon?
Mitch - A knife
Pat - He's a little spoon.


Ritchie - Okay, I called you all to this meeting because some of you don't get along...
David - Me and Mario are literally the only people you called to this meeting bitch


Mario - Kit, are you ever actually going to listen to me.
Kit - Of course!
Mario - When?
Kit - Ha! When your right!


Kay - I love the new strawberry flavored shampoo I got!
Brian, squinting - Flavored.....?
Kay - Scented! I meant scented!
Both - (Silence)
Kay - It tastes like strawberries too though.


Brandon - I can't tell if this pain is from me wanting to die or this paper cut.
Lucas, Concerned - Do you need help?
Brandon - Yes


David - Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Inmo - They do.
David -.....Why do you say that with such certainty?


...... YEP!!!! I'm currently working on a couple oneshots so yeah, I decided to post this. Ehem, ANYWAYSSSSSS.... Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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