THE BEANS GET ATTACKED?!! - Part Four (Blake X Jack - A little bit)

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Hi everyone! This is part four of The Beans Get Attacked. The last, and final chapter, hopefully XD. It also includes a little bit of Jack X Blake. Btw, this took me like 2 and a half hours 😆 This is a long one, so get ready! Hope you all enjoy!!!

Warning - This chapter includes fighting scenes and mentions of blood, and injuries, stuff like that. You have been fairly warned.

Word Count - 2628, aka Get a bowl of popcorn long.


Shino's POV

Me and Shizu slipped in through a broken window in the back, being careful not to cut ourself on the sharp glass. I could remember a little bit of the place, but I didn't find any place that would be ideal to keep a prisoner.

"Which way are we going?" Shizu whispered, trying not to make any noise. I signaled to the left, since I knew Blake and Jack would be going the other way. Oh god, I hope they didn't argue loud enough to attract attention. After all, these people were trained villains, not just street thugs.

We peeked through a couple of doors, looking for Rikku. I swear, If they hurt my roommate, they would be dead. I took a deep breath to calm down my anger, then followed Shizu down the halls, determined to find Rikku.

Jack's POV

Me and Blake charged into battle. The first thing I did? Smash a wave of sound into one of the idiot's faces. He flew backward, getting thrown into the hard, metal wall.

I turned towards the other one. He looked back at me, summoning a fireball in his left hand. He thrust it forward, shooting it towards me. I dodged to the left, leaving it so that it barely skimmed my arm. I bit my tongue, determined.

I charged at him, jumping towards him with my pipe. I then used the speakers on my hands to let out and ear piercing screech. It echoed through the pipe, making the sound wave more precise, and twice as loud. The villain fell backwards, putting his hands over his ears. I walked towards him, hitting him over the head with the pipe, and knocking him out cold.

I then turned back towards the other person, only to see a pointy-looking ice shard, shooting straight towards my face. And then, I saw a stream of fire, evaporating it before it could reach me.

I looked towards Blake, who had her hand pointing towards it, with fire shooting from her palm. She then turned back to her fight, focused on her own opponent. I stood there, shocked for a moment. Blake helped me?!!

My second of shock was broken when the girl shot another ice shard at me. I looked back at her, letting my anger that these people took Rikku fuel my fight. I held out my hand, using a sound wave to blast the shard back at her face.

She dodged to the left, letting the shard smash again the wall. She then summoned something in her hand. An Ice sword? Really? I rolled my eyes, raising my pipe and charging towards her.

Our weapons clashed, sending a banging sound through the room. We fought, hitting and blocking and sending our weapons towards each other. I blocked another hit, wincing as the blade hit my arm and sent a small blood trail across the floor. Eventually, I disarmed her, sending there blade sliding across the floor. I knocked them out like I did with the other guy.

Then, I looked over to Blake, who I thought would be staring at me, rolling her eyes. Instead, I found her still fighting one of the Villains. She looked exhausted, like it was hard for her to use much more of her quirk. Then, I noticed the white markings on the guys mask.

He's a Level above the rest of them, I realized.

I charged towards him, throwing my pipe at him head, which knocked him out cold. Blake glared at me, her tired eyes still gleaming with defiance.

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