Shino's "Family" - Part Two

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Story Requested by KallyWolfBane. Part two of Shino's "Family". Basically, Shino, and a couple other people are sitting around and they get randomly teleported to the home of his family. Then everyone is like, WTF and Shino is just like, cool. Anyways, hope you all enjoy!


Shino's POV

It was actually a pretty normal day for once since the first day here. Me, Kol, and Flex were sitting around in the secret club room, just talking about random stuff.

"If you could be any kind of burrito, what kind of burrito would you be?" Flex asked. I turned towards him.

"I don't understa- What kind of question is that?" I asked him, confused.

"I don't know, just popped into my mind." He replied. I sighed.

"I'd be a bean a cheese," Kol replied. I sighed again.

"Well," I muttered, "At least today's been pretty normal so far." And of course, then we had to get sucked into a multiverse. Great, just great. God, Kol and Flex are about to question there existence.

Kol's POV

After we popped out of a random portal, I had no idea where we were. Me, Flex, and Shino had just landed in front of some weird house is the middle of a city.

"What? Where are we?" I heard Flex ask from next to me.

"I have no idea," I muttered. Then I noticed Shino's eyes go wide as soon as he noticed t he building.

"Aww Crap," He muttered under his breath.

"Do you know this place?" I asked him. He sighed.

"Remember that family I told you about for truth or dare?" He asked me. I nodded. "Well, this is where the meeting of, 'The People Of Boat's POV" are, whatever that means. I don't even know who boat is."

"Wait, that was a real thing?" Flex asked him. Shino nodded, then sighed.

"Come on, let's go. You too are going to be weirded out to your max by the way," he said. Me and Flex followed him into the house. The first thing we saw in there was two people shouting over a game of cards.

Shino sighed. He leaned towards us. "The larger one is Arrow, the smaller one is GX." We listened to them shout for a couple more minutes. Arrow slammed his hand on the table.

"HOW DO YOU KEEP BEATING ME!" He yelled. GX shrugged.

"I'm just better at the game, face it," GX replied.

"You want to test that IRL right now?" Arrow asked. GX nodded.

"Game on!" We then watched as two monster looking Pokémon things came out of the cards and started fighting each other.One of them smashed part of the ceiling. Me and Flex watched, terrifyed. While Shino just sighed.


Shino's POV

"Arrow, GX!" I yelled. I watched as both the Creatures went back into the cards, "This is the 11th time this month!"

They both sighed. "Fine!" Arrow said, running up the stairs. I then saw Lucas, or Fishnets, (we normally called him Lucas), hop out of the fountain.

"How long have you been in there?" Flex asked, still looking shocked. Lucas shrugged.

"About... 3 hours? I don't really know, since 11 am," Lucas replied. I sighed.

"7 hours, Lucas," I replied. He shrugged. "Cool. Right now, Me, Arrow, GX, L, and Cal are the only ones here." He said. I nodded.

"Good. These two are going to start questioning there humanity anyways, we don't need a full on face first collision of crazy." I replied.

"Who's L?" Kol asked me.

"Oh, Ligma Boy that I was talking about. We call him L though, since his real name is Lucas too. Also, he's the one that lives in an apocalypse," I explained. All I heard was a 'Huh', from both of them. Kol pointed towards Lucas.

"Is water manipulation his quirk?" Kol asked. Lucas looked at him, confused.

"What's a Quirk?" Lucas asked him. Again, I sighed.

"Everyone here comes from a different Multiverse, so we live in a one with quirks, they live in a one with wizards and magic, where anyone can be taught power, but some are born with it. He's a God Slayer, don't ask what that is." I explained, trying not to have to explain anything else. They both stared at me like I was crazy.

Then, I noticed the portal that opened up behind them that said, 'Shino's World' above it.

"Okay gotta go bye!" I yelled very quickly, dragging both Flex & Kol behind me. Let's just say that they were probably going to be mentally scarred for there lives.

Anddddd Okay! I'm finally done with one of my requests XD. I kinda cheated the system on my homework today sooooooo I got another hour or two to write. Ehem, ANYWAYSSSSS, hope y'all enjoyed. For the Valentine's Day special, current ships are...

Jack X Blake
Colin X Seek
Yuuto X Kiro
Flex X Ana

Yeah! So, if you have any new ships, or even just interactions between certain people you want to see in like a sibling way or something. So yeah. Peace.

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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