Just Being Beanz - (Rikku X Shizu)

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Okay so this one is a little different, I decided to do two short stories in the same chapter. Not going to lie I got super demotivated like half way through this and just wanted to sleep or text my BFF. ANYWAYSSSSS... Rikku and Shizu was requested by a few people. Sorry I couldn't get it out sooner, But I totally forgot to make this XD. Also, I have a few personal things going on, plus a YouTube channel and me being sad cause someone I thought I made friends with in the new year left me to be alone again. Luckily I have my outside of school BFF's. ANYWAYSSSSS... Enough of my problems! Hope Y'all Enjoy!

Ps. SUPER SORRY IF I USED THE HE/HIM PRONOUN FOR SHIZU BY ACCIDENT. I keep forgetting Shizu's a They/Them cause I got smol brain.


Rikku's POV

I ran into the medical building, looking for Shizu. I had honestly been really shocked that Kiyo would accuse Artemis of that, But after Shizu's fight... I couldn't even worry about it any more.

The first door I saw I ran in, worried about Shizu. Then, I saw a certain bean lying in a medical bed. I froze once I saw them.

There bones weren't broken anymore, and they were facing the right way again, which was a total relief to me. They were sitting up, Staring at the wall. What surprised me was how sad Shizu looked.

Shizu's eyes looked so... Lifeless and Sad. Both of them were a deep blue, and They looked so dull that I started to second guess if that was actually Shizu. Shizu's eyes were normally so happy, so full of life and joy, talking about things like the Cooking Club, and just generally having fun. That was the side of Shizu that I loved the most, there happy side.

But now, Shizu looked just so... Un-Shizu-Like. I felt like my heart was going to be ripped into two.

"S-Shizu?" I asked, concerned about them. Shizu turned around, there eyes gaining just a tiny bit more life when they saw me, but not much. Shizu still looked sad and depressed, which broke my heart even more.

"A-are you okay? I saw what happened and I wanted to C-check up on you." I said, stuttering a little.

Shizu smiled, there eyes still not changing at all. "Y-yeah, yeah i'm fine Rikku. I really appreciate you checking up on me." Shizu replied.

"Really, because your eyes are blue." I said stubbornly.

"Oh, um." Shizu turned away, and when they looked back, there eyes were back to normal. They had a face smile plastered on his face, but I could see right through Shizu's mask and see the hollow sadness in there eyes.

"Shizu, tell me the truth." I said, trying to be as stern as I could. It came out as more of a squeak then stern-ness though.

Shizu sighed. "No, your right, I'm not."

"So what's on your mind?" I asked Shizu.

"Well, It wasn't really Davis's Fault that I got hurt, it was Kol's," Shizu muttered. I tilted my head.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, Davis didn't want to do it." Shizu explained. "But Kol was... pressuring him into doing it, If you get what I mean. And he collapsed the roof on Clover without a second question. But... I'm still... scared of Davis more. Is that bad?" Shizu asked me. I hugged them.

"No, not at all. It's okay to be scared Shizu, I would be too." I said. Shizu smiled at me.

"Thanks, Rikku." Shizu said, giving me a hug. I could feel myself blush a bit. There eyes turned Red with happiness, and I smiled back.

"Anytime, Shizu!"


Shizu's POV

Me and Rikku both giggled as me watched cute cate videos on a laptop. We were sitting on the couch in Rikku's dorm, just kind of chilling and hanging out.

"Hey Rikku, Artemis? Are you there?" I heard Shino call as he walked into the room.

"Yeah?" Rikku answered.

"Oh, just looking for Artemis. And what are you two doing?" Shino replied. An Idea popped into my mind, and I unconsciously snuggled closer to Rikku.

"Just being beans!" I replied happily.

Shino laughed. "Okay then, Bean buddies, go ahead and keep being beans then." I laughed too, and once Shino left I gave Rikku a kiss on the cheek. His face flushed bright red.

"W-W-What was that for?" He asked me, stuttering. I snickered.

"For you being cute." I replied, giving him a hug. And then we just kept watching cat videos all day long.

Okay, again, sorry this was short. Me and my friends started a server called Prank Wars in Minecraft today, and about 7 of us played All. Day. Long. It was great. ANYWAYSSSS... hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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