We're Kids??? (RikkuXShizu)(KiyoXYuuto)(ShinoXArtemis)

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OMG I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!! GOING BACK TO SCHOOL IS A DRAG YO!!! I CANT WRITE ON WATTPAD DURING CLASS CAUSE THATS WHEN I WRITE THESE UGHHHH!!! Anyways, It's where Artemis, Rikku, and Yuuto get turned into babies and Kiyo, Shino, and Shizu get defensive/worried about them. The part with those three is in the next part. Also, I'm trying to post whenever I can, but Yo, I HAVE NO FRIENDS AT MY SCHOOL SO GOING BACK SUXZZ. UwU - PIE


Yuuto's POV

It was a few days after I had gotten the strange virus from Kiyo. I had developed a strange immunity to it after I got the cure, so I could actually touch him now. It was now Thursday, and I had the Cafe club with Artemis & Rikku today. Unfortunately, no one else could make it, but at least I could and I wasn't sick anymore.

Anyways, Me, Artemis and Rikku were walking through the campus, on our way to the Cafe Club, when I heard a weird sound coming from behind me. I turned around to see a boy with a panda hat and a girl with pink hair. (Fans of Moondustbri and Pandafire11 out there? Anyone?)

"H-h-h-hello?" I asked, my voice stuttering wildly like normal. "D-do you n-n-need any h-help?"

Rikku and Artemis turned around to see the two people I was taking about. The pink haired one was glaring at the panda boi.

"Austin!" She said angrily. "What did you do?!!" The boy shrugged.

"What?" He said. "I just look us to a different world!" The Girl gawked.

"A DIFFERENT WORLD?!!!!!" She screamed in shock.

"Hey, we know you!" Artemis said. "You were the guy that threw that weird liquid on us that turned us into weird creatures!"

"Yeah!" Rikku said. Austin smiled.

"Oh! So you want it to happen okay! I only have modified tomb house on me, but oh well, it'll have to do!" He said, jumping up and down like a 4 year old.

"AUSTIN! NO!!!" The girl screamed at the boy.

"Wait, what no! I don't want to-..." Artemis stared to say, but it was too late. The boy, Austin, had already thrown the potion at us.

A strange, purple mist swirled around, obscuring my vision. I heard the girls voice yell, "AUSTIN! WHAT DOES THAT DO!!!"

"I don't know, Branbean just started messing  around with it." Austin replied.

"OKAY! ONE, Don't call him that, it's super weird!!!" The girl screamed. (Yo what's wrong with Branbean?) "TWO, THEN WHY DID YOU TEST IT ON THEM!!! YOU COULD HAVE TESTED IT ON, IDK, EVIL BRIAN OR SOMETHING!!!"

"OOOOOOOH! Good idea Bri! It's not as fun though!" Austin muttered. I heard Bri let out a heavy sigh. I could feel the mist subsiding, and I looked around. I noticed that everything looked... smaller for some reason...?

I glanced at Artemis and Rikku, and gasped once I saw them. Rikku and Artemis were both... well... BABIES!!!

Well, not exactly. We looked like babies, but we still had on our normal clothes and stuff. Then only thing was Artemis had that super cute baby puppy dog eye look for some reason, WHICH WAS ADORABLE!!!

"Anyways.... GOTTA GO BYE!!!" Austin said, opening up a portal out of nowhere.

"WHAT!!" Both Artemis and Bri screamed at the same time.

"You can't leave them like this!" Bri yelled. Austin shrugged.

"Yeah, but I need to get back to Austin and Ritchieeee!!!! Don't you want to get ship pictures of them on there date?" He asked her. Bri paused, her gaze turning soft for a minute.

"I suppose..." She started to say, before shaking her head with a sigh. Bri looked over at us 3. "He's right. As a daughter of Aphrodite, it's my job. My mom ships those two like crazy. I'm so, SO sorry! It will where off in a few hours, at most a few days. Tomb juice doesn't last forever, no matter how much." Austin started to drag her though the portal.

"Sorry for my boyfriend!" She added. "He's an idiot sometimes!" And then they were gone.

Everything was quiet for a moment, before Rikku said, "What just happened? We're Babies?!!"

Okay, I know, there's no ships yet and y'all are disappointed. I'M SORRY MEHHHHH! I'm trying to learn to play guitar, write a actual novel, update a YouTube channel at least once a week, and do homework. Yep, Meh life is boring yet stressful. Also, me and my two of my BFF's went out and vandalized our other Friends door with birthday decorations so... YEEEE! ANYWAYSSSS... Hope y'all enjoyed this short AF chapter! Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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