Database Is Overprotective - (Shino X Artemis)

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Wassup Yo! This chapter was originally requested by The_One_French_Fry, but I decided to add my own swing to it since I LAV DIS IDEA SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! Anyways, we have Database acting like a parent figure for Shino, and then him finding out Shino's dating Artemis. So yeah, this is kinda short but..... Hope y'all enjoy!!!!

Warning - Contains a Fawning Shino who's head over heals in love with Artemis, and a Overprotective Database. OOF



Shino's POV

I was walking around the school, texting Artemis just because, well, he was Artemis. Artemis.... he was perfect in absolutely ever way. From his two toned hair, to his beautiful purple shaded eyes, (I think his eyes are purple???) to his adorable laugh and his cute glasses, his nervousness and overall adorableness. Just everything about him was... Amazing. I sighed, smiling down at our texts.

I sat down outside on a bench underneath a tree. It was a few hours after school, so literally nobody was here. They were all out doing what normal people would do after school, like a club, or watching TV, or doing homework. But me? No, I was giggling over a text strand with the perfect-ist person in the entire world. Soft, white petals drifted down from the blossoming tree above, just making my beating heart and the aura that clearly read I was madly in love even more like a romance novel or an anime. I smiled, giggling every once in a while at his texts as I re-read our messages over and over again. Yep, I was definitely head over heals of Artemis, that's for sure.

My hair swept in my eyes as the breeze blew by me, making the tree slightly creak behind me. I checked the time again. Only an hour left until Artemis got out of the cafe club, and I could see his amazing face, his handsome eyes- Ugh, snap out of it Shino. Damn, I really was lovesick. I had always been, but I was really good at hiding it if I wanted too. But now, being alone I could fawn over how much I loved Artemis as much as I wanted. IT WAS GREAT!!!!

I sighed happily, blushing as I kept on rereading all of our messages. I blushed even more when I saw a notification that said he just sent me a heart. I smiled, sending him one back: I heard a voice from behind me. "What are you doing?" The person asked, there voice cold and calculating.

I jumped, spinning around ready to attack, when I recognized the support class teacher with red tipped hair I knew all too well. "Database! Gosh, you scared me!" I said, letting out a breath in relief. He let my heartbeat and breathing calm down before he replied.

Database was sort of like a dad to me. He was really good friends with my parents, and looked after me a lot when I was younger, which he still does now, even though IM 17 AND CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF! He was really overprotective, to be honest, but he was like my second dad almost, my step father.

"Why were you fawning over your phone? You almost looked like a lovesick idiot," Database asked me, his voice the same as always, but with a hint of confusion. I blushed.

"Well..." I said, taking a deep breath. I stood up straight, biting my lip and praying to the Egyptian gods that he didn't kill my boyfriend.
*Insert Lenny Face for Reference*
"I may or may not be... A lovesick idiot."

His head snapped up. Database's eyes were immediately filled with that overprotective parent-like look. "What? Who? Since when? Why? Is it a student? A person outside of school? Who is-"

"Database!" I interjected, trying to make sure that Artemis wasn't murdered. "Calm. Down. Chill dude." I said, making him calm down before I answered anything.

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