Don't Make Database Mad

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Okay so this was a request from HurricaneTea a long, LONGGGGG Tome ago and I forgot it was here. I had only done a hundred words at the time so yeah, i'm doing this now. Sorry for not realizing earlier.

Anyways, this is basically Database getting pissed at some kids for making fun of his class and stuff, and then proceeding to beat them up. So yep, Hope y'all enjoy!

(WARNING - Swearing and someone's head getting pushed into a wall)


Database's POV

Ugh, Stupid kids, vandalizing my door CONSTANTLY! It was extremely ANNOYING and CHILDISH of them. Support class DID NOT suck. They just sucked. I swear, when I find who's doing that, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. They are going to be dead. D. E. A. D. Dead. Simple as that.

I sighed, my feet pounding on the tile floor as I left Kowalski's office AGAIN! He refused to put up any kind of cameras or anything by my door to figure out who is doing this STUPID VANDALIZING so that I can go POUND THEIR STUPID HEADS INTO THE FUCKIBG BITCH ASS CONCREATE! Hey, they deserve it, those little Shit's.

I mean, how dare they disrespect the support class! Without Support Hero's, they would have nothing to control their quirks and be barfing up their quirks on the sidewalk right now. Ridiculous!

I sighed, walking back to the class room. It was later in the evening, around 6 in the evening. The school was actually pretty peaceful at this time of night, with all of the peace and quiet and no STUPID KIDS to ruin my mood like how they always do.

A slight breeze flittered throughout the hall as I walked, thanks to all the open windows and doors, plus the fact the Avian broke the wall again. Ugh, that stupid 'Bird Jesus' was going to be the actual death of me someday, I swear to the Greek and Egyptian gods above! (😏)

I felt the vibrations zip through the soles of my shoes as I continued to stomp down the hall. I muttered angrily to myself on the way there under my breath things like, 'Stupid mother fucking kids' and 'I hate teaching'. (DAMNNN DATABASE BE A VIOLENT BOIIII LOL)

Sometimes, I wish that I had never accepted teaching kids, or at least done it at a place where the students actually listen, You know, that would be nice. I have my eyes on a couple kids I think wouldn't mind disrespecting my class. That Kol kid, and his roommate Alexander, or Flex if we're going by his nickname.

Those two have trouble written all over them. I wouldn't it it past them to keep being the ones to vandalize my classroom wall. Fuck them. Actually, Fuck whoever's doing this. As much as I would like too, I can't blame them for this without any evidence. Yet.

Once I passed the other support classroom that was in the hallway next to mine, and was about enter my hallway, I heard some muffled giggling and talking. I immediately froze, my defensive instincts taking over. Who were these people? Were  they students? Or were they intruders? Why are they here so late in the evening?

(Ps, I just came up with names CAUSE IM LAZYYYYY!)

"Ha! I find it hard to believe he hasn't caught us yet!" One of the voices said, snickering. The voice was the voice of a kid or teens, so it was a student. Strange. I heard the sound of a bottle of spray paint going off.

"Shhhhhh! Jacob, if you aren't quiet someones going to catch us!" A feminine voice said after that. She snickered as well, the sound echoing across the halls and making its way to my ears. I strand of my reddish colored hair fell in front of my visor. I pushed it back, continuing to listen to the conversation that was taking place.

The sound of spray paint went off again, this time for slightly longer than the other time. What were they do...- ing.....? And then, It came to me.

Anger swelled up inside me so fiercely I felt like I was about to scream and go stab some random persons head. THESE WERE THE PEOPLE THAT WERE SPRAY PAINTING MY DOOR. OH MY FUCKING GODS, FUCK THOSE BITCHES! HOW DARE THEY?!!!!

Gods, okay. Calm down Angelo, your fine. You can teach these little shit ass bitches a lesson, but you need to stay calm. That's right, stay calm, just don't explode and lose your job.

It felt like my vision was turning red in anger. I could feel my insides start to quake in pure rage, and heat rise from me. I felt like I was literally steaming in hatred and pure uncontrollable rage that threatened to kill every mother fucking thing that stood anywhere near me. I calmed down just a little, stopping the thoughts of me violently stabbing whoever this was and throwing there body into the nearest garbage dump.

As much as I might want to do what I had mentioned, one, that wasn't what heroes did. They helped people, saved them, definitely didn't murder them for spray painting doors and then disposing there remains in trash cans. Also, that would probably cost me my job, and I had two kids and a wife. Not like I would kill them anyways, it was just my first impulse.

All I knew is whoever these stupid, shitty, GOOD FOR NOTHING KIDS were, they were most definitely going to pay for what they've been doing. Oh yeah, A good trip to the infirmary for maybe a few days was going to be do for them, and probably somewhere around 3 months of cram class.

I stormed into the other hallway, to warring over the two kids that were indeed, vandalizing my door.

One of them, the girl, had frizzy, red hair and forest green eyes. She had on a pair of grey sweat pants and a blue hoodie, plus dark, black and white mismatched sneakers. The other one, the boy Jacob, as the girl had called him before, looked like your mix of a California black boy and a bad ass trouble maker. He had light, sandy colored golden hair with a steak of really deep blue and ocean blue eyes with a hint of grey and light green, but the rest of him threw of the image.

He had one, cross earring glittering in one ear and both nose and a lip piercing. He had on a black jacket and a dark blue shirt with the words, 'Flip Life', on the front. He had a rose tattoo on his hand and I could see the start of one on his neck. He also had on a dark colored beanie, ripped black jeans, and knee high, worn leather boots to finnisn the outfit.

They both had a bottle of neon spray paint in hand, and where whispering and giggling while writing to words, 'SUPPORT IS TRASH!!' one the wall for everyone to see.



Okay, I really didn't want to leave this on a cliffhanger because they next part will probably be quite short, but I AM TIRED AND ITS LATE AT NIGHT AND IM STRESSED NOW AT TRYING TO BEAT MY CLASSMATES IN A CONTEST CAUSE I AM AND GRRRRRRR!

Okay so yeah, I am super tired right now and way to lazy to Finnish this, so yeah, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, blah blah blah, I'm tired, stuff like that.

ANYWAYSSSS... Peace Slayer Squad!

(Also, this was a nice break from my normal PG 13 stuff. Ha ha, it's like I'm yelling at everyone I hate through Database. Ps- No, I don't have physiological problems. I'm just slightly demonic and crazy.)

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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