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Hey everyone! This is part two of the beans get attacked. I added a little bit of Jack and Blake fluff into this because I SHIP THEM HARDCORE AND THERE HOLDING HANDS IN THE INTRO. Ehem, anyways, yeah. Hope you all enjoy part two! ❤️


Rikku's POV

I woke up, my head groggy. What had happened? Where was I? I opened my eyes, finding myself in the back of a damp, run down jail cell. What happened?

Then it came back to me. I was walking with Shizu, talking about donuts, and the exams, and other things we both loved.  Then, Shizu told me to look out, And I felt a hand covering my mouth. And then, everything went black.

Oh no oh no! Did they get Shizu too? I whimpered, thinking about all the possibilities. Did Shizu get hurt? Did they Escape? Would Jack or Shino come to find me? Would anyone come to find me? Or even look for me?

My breath quickened, and I tried to use my quirk, but my hands were bounded behind my back. I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker every time I struggled, like something was sucking at my energy. Eventually, I fell over, exhausted.

Please come find me, guys. Was the last thought I had before everything went black again.

Jack's POV

Me and Shino stormed out the door behind Shizu, both really, really angry. How dare someone kidnap our bean? I was going to make them listen to either an ear screeching death or absolutely terrible elevator music for the rest of there lives.


Anyways we stormed through the side of the campus, careful to make sure nobody saw us. Until... the worst possible person besides A teacher saw us. Guess who? That's right, good old Blake.

"Oh, hey Shino, Shizu, Jack." She said my name with distaste. Then she noticed me and Shino's anger expressions. "Why do you guys look so angry?" She asked us.

"Someone took R-" Shino started to say.

"Someone took Rikku, and now we're going to go and beat who ever dared to hurt the bean to the ground." I interjected, anger ratiating off of my words.

"Wait wait, What? Someone took Rikku?" Blake asked.

"Yes," Shino muttered angrily.

"Well then," Blake said, "I'm coming with you."

"What?" Me and Shino both said at the same time. She nodded.

"Yeah, I don't know about you Shino, but Jack, your going to need my help to not be killed," Blake said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, study girl. As long as you help us get back Rikku." I muttered. I honestly didn't care right now. I would never admit it, but we were going to need all the help we could get, even if it meant getting it from her. "Go on Shizu, let's keep going."

"Actually, it's right over there." He pointed towards a park bench near some trees.

"Right," Shino said, "everyone, look for clues."

We ran over to that spot looking around in the bushes and on the ground. After a few minutes, I spotted something in a low branch of the tree. I went over, inspecting the object.

It was a mask. It looked like a mask someone would wear during Chinese New Year, just with less things like feathers and fur, and all black in color. Except for the two red circles around the eyes, which were just creepy in general.

"Hey guys! I found something!" I called. Shino, Blake, and Shizu rushed over. I noticed when Shino saw the mask, his face went pale.

"Shino? What's wrong?" I asked him, curious.

He took a deep breath, turning towards us. "What I tell you right now, you must keep your lips sealed about or I swear..." He muttered.

"Promise!" Shizu said without any hesitation. Both of there eyes were still blue, which showed me how sad they were that the people had took Rikku. That just made me want to punch whoever it was more.

"I was walking home from school when I saw some people with these masks doing something shady. So I listen to them talking, and they were talking about luring someone out of a hiding place or something. So I followed them to there base, an abandoned wear house. They are like 30 of them by the way," Shino explained. "They all had these masks on top. Once they found me, they tried to kill me and I may or may not have stolen some money they stole from a bank and snuck it back inside. And now there pissed at me which is why they kidnapped Rikku and Left this mask here as an ultimatum."

We all stared at him for a minute, until Blake broke it. "Well? Where is this wear house? We still have to go to classes tomorrow and we might as well get this done tonight," She said, annoyed.

"Ooooooh! We're sneaking out! Cool!" Shizu said excitedly.

"Alright then," Shino said, smiling, "Let's do this team."

Sorry for the cliffhanger AGAIN!!! I totally didn't not put attention in Social studies and do an entire project about the right thing, but then have my friend tell me the right thing a day before it's due. That would be crazy, why would you think that?

But anyways, I have big ideas for the next chapter, don't worry! Also, in the next part, there will probably be a little bit of Jack X Blake so yeah. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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