Flex's Great Prank

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Requested by The_One_French_Fry. Sorry again that this took so long to get out. I've been working on The Beans Get Attacked for the past few days. So anyways, They requested if I could do something where Kol got framed for a Prank on Shino, so who better to do it than good old Alexander Flex? Also, this is legit the third story i've made today XD. Anyways, hope you all enjoy!


Flex's POV

I, had a great idea. Like a really, really great idea. What was my great idea, you may ask? Well, I met wondering, what If I pranked someone, disguised as someone else? Oh yeah, this was going to be epic.

I got my stuff together. Bucket? Check. Slime? Check. Drawn on smiley face? Check! String? Check. Boom, check list done. These were going to be the best pranks i've ever pulled.

Shino's POV

I put down my switch, yawning. It was about 3 pm in the afternoon. I was supposed to meet up with Rikku and Artemis in an hour in a coffee shop downtown. Honestly, I didn't really drink coffee that much, but I hadn't been to this side of town much, so why not?

Anyways, I was walking out the door, minding my own business. Until a huge bucket of watered down slime got dropped on my head.

I jumped as soon as I felt it. It was way colder than I would have expected it to be, like somebody stuck it in a freezer. I looked around, furious, until I saw a certain old friend with a blood moon quirk hiding in the bushes.

"Kol!" I yelled angrily, stomping over to him. Before I could get over there, he ran away, laughing. I stomped my foot down angrily, then sighed. I could go visit his dorm and yell at him later. For now, I guess I should just clean the mess that he made up.

Blake's POV

I was walking out of my dorm, Rose right behind me. I had changed out of my uniform a little earlier before she came over, and now we were going to get Ice cream since we had finished our homework for the day.

Or, that was our plan, until a bucket of Slime fell onto my head. I jumped at the sudden contact of the watered down, green slime with my back. The worst thing about this, was that I absolutely hated slime.

Actually, I would say I it more than I disliked water. It was just so... weird. I mean like, It moves like a liquid, and you think it would be wet, but it's not. It just.... freaks me out.

I gagged, trying to get the disgusting substance off me. Rose stood behind me, shocked. I heard snickering in the distance, and of course I saw my roommate, Kol, standing there with a wicked grin on his face.

"KOL!" I screamed angrily, "GET YOUR NO GOOD BUTT OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" I ran towards him, but the slime weighed me down. "I'm going to murder him!" I muttered angrily.

"Blake, Blake," Rose said, stepping in front of me to get my attention. "Calm down."

"But-," I started to protest.

"Come on," She said, "You can pound him later. For now, let's not let this ruin our day and go get Ice cream! I'll wait out here while you change." She smiled at me happily. I sighed, turning back to my dorm.

"I hate slime," I muttered, ready to murder Kol the next time I see him.

Flex's POV

Ha ha! I had gotten both Blake and Shino with my slime prank! Two birds, one stone. And it was even funnier when me and Kol were watching TV and Blake and Shino came busting through the door, angry looks on there faces.

"Kol! Why the heck did you prank me and Shino!" Blake yelled angrily.

"Wha? I didn't prank anyone!" Kol replied.

"What do you mean, 'you didn't prank anyone?" Shino yelled, "We literally saw you laughing in the bushes!"

"I don't even know what you two idiots are talking about!" Kol replied. They argued for a couple minutes, before I couldn't hold back my laughter for any longer.

I fell on the floor, laughing. Kol, Blake, and Shino looked at me, confused. I took short breaths between my laughs, letting it all out until I could barely breath.

They stared at me for a moment, Until Blake got an angry expression on her face.

"DID YOU CHANGE INTO KOL AND THEN PRANK US SO YOU COULD BLAME IT ON HIM!" Blake screamed. I could literally see the smoke coming off of her, and the fire that was flickering in her eyes

"Gotta go!" I yelled, dashing out the door. And let's just say I would have gotten broken bones that day, if I had bones at all. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anddddd another Chapter done! Sorry if this was short! I've been working on a Valentines Day Special because us shippers who are single Pringles use Valentine's Day to go into, "Intense Shipping Mode" Or at least I do XD.

Comment on this any ships you want to see in that, BTW. I'm already doing Jack X Blake because I ship them, like, a lot, but I do need some more! I'll probably put some Colin X Seek fluff in there too unless specifically requested by someone else. ANYWAYSSSSS... Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Peace!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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