The Nightmare (Shino X Artemis)

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LETS GO GUYS ITS MY FIRST ONE SHOT SINCE IVE BEEN BACK! Not going to lie I just found this in my drafts and It was already half done so I was like 'Oh, Let's go I can just post this!'. Also, Part one of my Landon one shot is out in the Fairy Tail Origins book. You guys should check that out! Anyways, feels good to be back! Hope you guys enjoy!!!

(PS - Quick A/N about the future of my Oneshots and stuff at the end of this chapter. PLUS NEW THINGS THAT I'VE BEEN WORKING ON AND MY OTHER ACCOUNT REVEALED :O )

TW's - Nightmares, Fires, Explosions,

Shino's POV

Fire. All I saw was fire.

Flames flicked up the sides of the walls as I crouched in the corner, crying. My entire body was trembling as I sat there in the burning building, gasping for air. Smoke filled my lungs, causing me to cough, but I didn't even care anymore. I deserved it, I deserved all of it.

I killed them, I really killed them. My parents were dead, and they were dead because of me. I don't know how, or why, but I know there dead. Actually dead. Gone. And that was because of me.

My tears dried up on my face as they were sliding down my cheeks. I could dully feel the heat of the fire on my skin as it danced around, filling the room with dram black smoke. But I didn't do anything to attempt to get away, or save myself, or anything. I deserved it. I really did.

So, here I was, on the bottom floor of a 15 foot building, crying in the corner as I was about to be burned alive. Piles of fallen rubble had fallen all over the room, and heat crackled violently across my skin. My eyes were wide, yet watering even more than I was crying from the smoke and my lungs were heaving as I tried to take a breath.

I shivered despite the heat. I was a murderer now. A murder. I caused this explosion, I killed my own fucking family, I.... I killed the only people that had ever really, actually cared about me. I choked, forcing back a wail of agony.

I saw search lights as hero's and fire fighters looked around, searching for the cause of this explosion. I didn't want them to find me sitting here. Either they would kill me, or try to rescue me from my fate. No, both of those were unacceptable. I deserved to suffer for what I had done.

The smoke filled my vision, swirling around in clusters of black. I coughed again, but into my hand. My body ached, everywhere hurt, but I didn't really feel it. I knew I was in pain, but it felt like a blur to me. I dragged myself to the left, coughing once again as I did so.

I stopped behind a pile of rubble, trying to catch my breath. But the only thing I heard were screams. Screams of pain. The screams of my parents as they got burned alive...

I was yanked my my nightmare by somebody shaking me awake. I was panting, and my breath was heavy. I could feel the salty tears streaming down my face as I opened my eyes, immediately seeing two dark colored orbs in front of my face, the familiar half white half black hair of my boyfriend Artemis right in front of me.

I let out a shaky breath, leaping forward into his arms as I continued to cry. Sobs tore from my lungs as I hugged Artemis tightly, while he rubbed my back, whispering something to me that I couldn't quite make out through the pounding in my ears. After a few minutes, the sobbing slowed down, and I felt like I could breath clearly again. I started to make out the soothing words that my Boyfriend was whispering to me.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, Shino. I got you. You're okay," He whispered softly. Slowly I looked up at him, my vision blurry from tears. I leaned towards him again, giving him another quick hug before pulling away.

"H-how did you know?" I asked, referring to my Nightmare.

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek, wiping away a stray tear in the process. "I heard you crying. What happened? Are you okay?" He asked me. His eyes shone with concern, making me feel a little guilty, I didn't like seeing him upset. Not at all.

"I just- I had a nightmare." I admitted, gulping as I tried not to remember any of the details. The smoke, the fire... I shook those thoughts out of my head, focusing back on Artemis in the process.

He looked at me , eyes soft and caring. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly. I let out a sigh, gripping onto him. Did I want to talk about it? No, not at all. But something, I'm not sure what it was, willed me to speak. And before I knew it, the words came tumbling out of my mouth.

"I- I was ten. Just turned ten," I whispered. "It was my birthday. I was really excited."

Artemis sent me an encouraging nod. It wasn't demanding, but it was strong enough to push my forward a bit. I took a deep breath, continuing. "I don't quite know what happened myself. One minute, I was fine, and the next, I was feeling this pain in the back of my head."

"And then I looked up, towards the sun. And I- I accidentally absorbed its energy..." I trailed off, having to restrain once again from bursting into tears. Artemis's reassuring hand on my shoulder helped my through it. Gods, the things that this boy does for me. I love him so much.

"And... It killed my parents. And 17 other people, along with it." I finished, my eyes starting to water.

I looked at Artemis sheepishly. There it was. The story that I promised myself I would never repeat. And yet I did. Surprisingly, I felt lighter. I didn't think that was true, that you felt lighter after you got something off of your chest. I guess it's true though. Huh, who would have thought.

Artemis looked at me, face full of shock. "I- Shino, I'm so sorry." He said. I gave him a soft smile.

"Hey, it's okay. You couldn't have done anything," I said reassuringly. He sent me a smile.

"I love you, Shino," He told me, eyes sparkling in the dim moonlight emitting from the window.

I smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I love you too, Artemis, I love you too."


(Please Read at least the last Paragraph, that ones really important for the future of updates!)

Not gunna lie this was already mostly done, I sort of just finished it off today because I was bored. I hope you guys like it.

Anyways, on to more important things. For anybody who thought this book was over, as you can see now, this book is not finished! I am going to continue this, but updates (Not just on this book but all my books) are going to be less consistent, like every week or so instead of days.

Not only that, but I finally started a Fairy Tail Origins Oneshots book! (As previously stated.) It's about time honestly, because I really really LOVE Fairy Tail Origins. Not only was it the first origins series that I ever watched, But it's also my favorite. So, yeah, that's been started.

Finally, BEFORE YOU GUYS LEAVE, I wanted to talk about my other account, My other account is called @Totally_Cheese and is also an account that I am on far more often because that is a full account. Incase you haven't noticed, (If you're a long term viewer) This account has serious issues and I don't know why. For one, I cant comment on things, even my own book, vote for things, or follow other accounts.
So, I have a new story, called The New Chapter, which is an FTO book about Ritchie getting revived and everybody being Gay, on that account. I hope you guys take the time to go check that out, despite me being gone for so long.

Anyways, that's you guys, that's all. Hope you enjoyed. Peace Slayer Squad!


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