I HAD A BIG BRAIN IDEA!! - Announcement

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Okay so... What's up Guys! I had the BEST IDEA MEH SMOL BRAIN HAS EVER COME UP WITH!

So yesterday, I couldn't fall asleep, and I ended up somehow, (I have no idea how) coming up with this whole idea for an AU. I also stayed up till 4am, but that's not the point.

So, I thought, Hmmmm. Should I make a story and put it on Wattpad about this? And then my brain, being the Origins obsessed fan it is, was like, SHINO X ARTEMIS AU TIME!!!!!!! PLUS OTHER SHIPZZZ!!!!

So, I came here to get your advice. Should I do it, or not? It might take me a really, really long time because somehow I've already come up with multiple Plot twists and ideas and Problems and evil demon lords and a bunch of stuff.

So yeah, that's what I've been doing all day, but ya know. So, let me know, do you wanna see me attempt my first ever AU? (Ps - It might totally fail and be terrible so...)

ANYWAYSSSS... that was pretty much all. So, Peace Slayer Squad!!!

- Yo Gurl PIE 🥧

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