Headaches - (Shino X Artemis)

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Okay, I Know I have like 10 requests to do RN, But I got this idea cause my friend was literally spam texting me ALL DAY saying HALP, I HAVE A HEADACHE!! So yeah, that's how this idea was born. Also, This is legit meh OTP now so.... yeah UwU. Anywayssss, Hope Y'all Enjoy!


Artemis's POV

I groaned, pushing myself out of bed. It was pretty early in the morning, probably somewhere around 6 am on a saturday. My head throbbed, feeling like it was about to split in half. Oh great, I had a headache. That was just lovely.

I could barely see anything, since my vision was so blurry. Only dancing blobs of color sparkled lightly across my vision. I winced at the harsh light coming from my window, so I reached out towards it and pulled the blinds down.

I collapsed back onto my bed, not wanting to do anything for the rest of the day. Actually, scratch that, Month. I curled up into a ball, biting my lip in pain. I slightly tugged on my messy black and white hair, holding it tightly in my grasp.

Grabbing the blanket and pulling it over myself, I prepared myself for a few long, long hours of a terrible headache.

Shino's POV

By now, It was about 12 noon, And I was starting to get worried about Artemis. He hadn't left his room literally all day. I mean, It was probably nothing, but..... Nope, Something was wrong.

I put down my controller, closing out of the video game I was playing. Grabbing my phone, I went up the stairs, pausing at Artemis's dark wooden door.

"Artemis?" I asked softly, knocking before I entered. I heard a pain filled groan in reply. Worried, I opened the door, gasping at Artemis's state. He was curled up on his head, lying stiffly on a pile of blankets. The room was pretty dark, with just enough light for me to see him.

His usually beautiful and happy dark eyes were filled with pain, and his hair was lying flattened on one side of his head. He had small bags under his eyes, and his hand was tightly grasping his hair.

I rushed over, concerned. "Hey, Artemis? Are you okay? What's wrong? Are you dying?!" I mumbled, totally freaking out. Artemis laughed a bit, but then winced in pain.

"I'm f-fine." He croaked, his voice sounding raspy. "I j-just have a r-really bad h-headache."

I crossed my arms, my protective boyfriend mode taking over. "How long has it been since you've eaten or drank anything? Hmm?" I said, frowning at him.

"Uhhhhhh... Yesterday?" Artemis replied. I glared at him angrily.

"I'm taking care of you for the rest of the day. No arguments!" I replied, stomping down the stairs to get some soup. I heard some quiet wheezing like laughter coming from Artemis's room, which I just rolled my eyes at. Yeah, I was an overprotective boyfriend, I'll admit it...


Okay, I was way too lazy to do anything for the end, but Ya know what, I've been playing Bedwars, Doing 1v1v1 build battles, and editing Minecraft videos all day. So yeah, I can be lazy if I want to, M'kay? ANYWAYSSSS...... Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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