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Story Idea By Me. This is basically a story where Rikku and Shizu get attacked, and Jack and Shino get really mad after one of them gets kidnapped and go overprotective mom mode. Hope you all enjoy!!!!


No one's POV

Rikku and Shizu were walking around the school in the evening, talking about random things, like Cat memes and other things the friends both liked.

Little did they both know, An evil, dark villain was watching them from the trees, with there evil plans starting to go underway...


Shizu's POV

Me an Rikku we're walking around the School in the evening, talking about a bunch of random things. It was the day after the Quirk showcase, and Rikku had woken up only a few hours ago.

The breeze swooshed past us, a little bit stronger than normal. Huh, that was a little bit strange. Meh, was probably just a storm coming or something. Anyways, our current conversation was about donuts.

"What's your favorite donut?" I asked Rikku.

"Ooohhhh!" He said, giggling, "Probably strawberry!"

I gasped. "Me too, Me too! But I also like Blueberry too!"

He smiled. "Oh yee! That makes sense because of your whole blue and red colors!" He said happily.

"Yeah!" I replied, smiling back.

Then, out of nowhere, something jumped down from the trees behind Rikku. My eyes widened, scared. He had a weird mask on so that we couldn't see his face.

"Rikku! Behind you!" I said, trying to warn him. But before I could, the dude grabbed him, covering his mouth with his hand. Rikku's eyes

"Hey! Let him go!" I yelled at the guy angrily.

Before I could lash out at him with my powers, another guy jumped down from the trees, who was also wearing a mask, and teleported the three of them away.

I stood there, shocked. What the heck just happened!? One minute, we were talking about crispy cream donuts. The next, a dude with a black mask is jumping down from a tree and attacking Rikku!

And then I started having a in head panic attack. WHAT THE HECK!!! Something took Rikku! TOOK RIKKU! MY BEST FRIEND! This was not good. Not good at all! What do I do!!!

I froze, realizing my only option. I had to get Jack, Jack and Shino! They would help me get back Rikku! I know they will!

Jack's POV

I find it funny how the weirdest things always happen to me. Like today. When me and Shino we're sitting in the school library when a certain blue and red themed bean broke through the window and landed on our desk.

Let me rewind for you. So yeah, me and Shino we're studying in the library for a test coming up. I was currently reading, math 2.4 volume 3. Aka, the book of boring.

I sighed, flipping another page over. I seriously hated studying, it sucked. Anyways, I heard a weird sound coming from the window. And that's when I saw glass shattering everywhere, and a certain someone named Shizu flying towards us.

Both me and Shino ducked towards the ground as the bean came flying towards us. I heard a small oof as they landed on the desk.

"SHIZU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!! DID SOMEONE FLING YOU THROUGH THE WINDOW?!! ARE YOU HURT?!! DO I NEED TO BEAT SOMEONE UP?!!" I yelled, bombarding him with questions. I had become sort of overprotective of him and Rikku over the past week or two.

"None but the last two," Shizu muttered, there face stuck in the table. (By the way, should I call Shizu Him or Her or They in other peoples eyes? Still kinda comfused on that part in the RP so I just put they!)

"What in the world happened, Shizu," Shino asked, a hint of overprotective-ness in his voice too. Don't get me wrong. He was just as overprotective as I was, he just has a better time hiding it.

"Well, Rikku got kidnapped!" Shizu yelled.

"HUH?!!" Both me and Shino screamed. I felt myself go full overprotective mode.

"WHERE?!" I ask-yelled, "BY WHO!! I'LL MURDER THEM!!!!!"

"They-y W-were wearing masks, so I don't know. But I can show you where they last were when Rikku got kidnapped!" Shizu replied.

"Yeah, come on Jack," Shino said, hate and anger coating his voice. "Let's find these Criminal idiots and show them what we can really do."

Sorry about the cliff hanger, but it's currently two am and this is all I could do XD. Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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