Leave Her Alone! Part 2 - (Mario X Mania)

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WHAT'S UP YO! I DIDN'T GET GROUNDED!!! LETZ GOOO! Ehem, anyways, this is part two of Leave Me Alone, a Mario X Mania requested by Lunagreene4. (Sorry if I spelt it wrong I'm too lazy to check XD) Anyways, Hope y'all enjoy!!!


Mania's POV

When I woke up, I was lying on something warm. I groaned, grabbing my head and trying to remember what happened. My head throbbed and my chest felt slightly wet and sticky.

"Hey," I heard someone say. I looked up, seeing Mario's concerned gaze staring down at me. I then realized that I was basically lying on top of him, my head lying in his stomach. I blushed, trying to push up when I felt a hand firmly push my back down.

"Hey, Stay here. You need to rest after what that guy did to you." Mario said, gazing at me compassionately. I on the other hand, was still blushing madly. I looked away, when I heard Mario say, "Who was that guy anyway?"

This time, I get the blood drain from my face. A bit of sweat ran down my face, since I didn't want to answer. "Ummmmm..." I stuttered, keeping my face looking away.

"Hey," He said, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. "You can tell me anything, Mania. You know that." He said softly. I sighed.

"H-his name was Jayden." I said, Stuttering a little. "He... was someone I knew from Middle School, with a super strength quirk. He... always bullied me because of my Quirk, and beat me up a few times. I would only let him because he threatened my brother. Remember, he doesn't have a quirk, So he could have easily... you know... Killed him. So, I always just let him. I guess this time I did it off an instinct." I looked away, not wanting to face Mario. I can imagine the pure pity on his face, the pity I didn't need. Or more likely, he would think I was weak, that I had a ghost quirk that literally let me escape things and couldn't even stand up for myself.

Instead, I felt two arms wrap around me. I looked over, slightly shocked. What I saw brought a hard blush to my cheeks. I saw Mario, hugging me. No pity in his eyes, no disgust, just... Sadness, Love, and a little bit of anger.

"M-Mario?" I stuttered. He looked up at me, our faces only a few inches for each other's.

"Don't ever listen to them, Mania. You're perfect just the way you are, with you quirk and all." Mario said, Pushing a strand of hair out of my face. I blushed, my heart beating like a kick drum. I looked up into his eyes. Gods, I could stare into his eyes all day. The way they shined, how the light reflected of his beautiful irises. Before I could tell what I was doing, I felt myself slowly lean in and kiss his cheek.

"Thanks Mario, I needed that." I said, getting up and walking away.

"Wha- I- Hu- Err- MEEP!" Mario stuttered. I looked over seeing a red faced Blushing mario just staring at where I was a couple seconds ago. I laughed, walking out the door. I'm pretty sure it was safe to say Mario wouldn't be working for a little while.

Okay, I know this is kinda short, But I'm super tired RN, and my BFF BK called me earlier and we binge-watched Boat's entire POV of OoO ALL DAY, Since he's one of our favorites in the Origins Crew, though we can't really chose. Also, we have nothing to do with our wasted lives so...... Yeet. ANYWAYSSSS.... Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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