A Family Moment (Ana and Ronin FAMILY MOMENT!!!)

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Okay, I only just now found this in my request causes I'm stupid so.... Yup! Basically this Is an Ana and Ronin FAMILY MOMENT CAUSE Y NOT?!!! So yeah, Hope y'all enjoy this chapter!

(PS - This is set before Ana leaves Monarch, so Yeah)

WARNING - Minimal Swearing


Ana's POV

I was coming home from the city library, after getting a couple of books. I know the school has a library, but there was a lot of support class students there. And what If they were mean to me? What if they were scared of me and I accidentally used my quirk on them? What if... they didn't like me?

Anyways, I kept walking, determined to get home. I had gotten a couple books about hero's and things like that. Hopefully this will help me learn even more of the stuff I'm missing in class.

I get slightly sad at that. People usually didn't like me, just because I looked different then them. It always made me feel sort of sad, although the only thing people normally saw was me being scared or scary.

That's why I liked Kol so much. He didn't treat me and different than anyone else. Ronin too, but not in the same way. Ronin was like the father that I never had. He was my teacher, my family, my friend... And he was always really nice to me, too. Never jack judged me based off of the fact that I looked different than others.

I smiled as I walked, staying in the shadows. I had on a jacket with a hood to keep people from seeing my face, but still. I didn't want people to think I was weird, just like everyone did before...

But we don't need to get into that! I carried the 3 books I got, hurrying along the sidewalk. I was actually almost at the top of the hill, too. Once I got up there, I'd be close enough to the center of the campus for nobody to stop me. A lot of people and irresponsible teenagers like to hang out near the outskirts of the campus. They scared me.

My feet tapped on the hard pavement as I scurried forward, desperately trying to get home to find Ronin so I could possibly practice my quirk. I was actually only a couple hundred feet from the dorms when I heard someone shout at me.

"Hey Girl!" Someone yelled. Before I could react, I was being yanked back. I was lifted about an inch or two off the ground, my flats with a pretty purple design dangling below me.

Panic swarmed my mind. Where these Villains? Were they going to kidnap me? Rob me? We're they going to beat me up so bad that my blood would stain the concreate and I wouldn't survive the walk to Venus's office. I internally gasped. MAYBE THEY WERE GOING TO CAPTURE ME AND USE ME AS BAIT TO GET TO RONIN!!! My breath hitched and my heart thundered. I stuttered out, startled and scared.

"Give us your money!" (Oh Gods I'm So Fudging Basic XD) The voice said again. It sounded more feminine, but deeper, like this person was all brawn and had a big, bulky figure.

"W-w-w-w-wh-wh-wha-ha-t-t-t?" I stuttered, barely forming my words.

What? You scared, one eyed freak?" The girl said, her voice taunting. I shrunk away as far as possible, a pang happening in my heart as she said the last part. I really was that much of a freak, wasn't I?

One of the people came over and yanked my hair harshly, causing my hood to fall down. He pulled me towards him, laughing at my struggling. He pulled up my face and snarled at me, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Enough chit chat! Give us your money, Freak!" He hissed at me.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I was scared. Scared of what would happen to me, scared of what was happening to me. Scared of everything. I couldn't even speak, terrified. All of the worst possibilities were running through my head, causing my mind to spiral into uncontrollable panic.

And then, I heard a voice. Actually, I heard the voice of someone who I was desperately hoping would show up to help me. The voice of my practically father. Well, not my actually father, but by now he was pretty close to it.

"Hey!" I heard Ronin's voice say, "What the fuck are you doing?!!"

Ronin's POV

It was supposed to be a peaceful day. I was supposed to wake up, eat breakfast, do whatever Kowalski wanted me to, take a nap for a few hours, and then train with Ana once night came. But no, here I was, having to beat up some bitches for trying to hurt Ana. Gods, I was going to fuck up these assholes so hard.

"What does it look like we're doing?" The boy asked with a snort. "Getting money!"

I growled lowly. "If you don't let her go right now I will make you regret it," I hissed angrily. I could feel myself quaking in rage.

"Ha! What are you gunna do, old man!" The girl spat, laughing at me. And that was the last straw.

"Big Mistake..." I growled. I ran over, giving the girl hardly any time to react as I sped towards her. Her eyes widened as I lunged at her, grabbing the girl by the throat. She choked, her arms reaching up the claw at my hands, which were clasped tightly against her skin.

"S-St-S-Stop-p," She stuttered, her voice coming out it rasps. She struggled for breath, desperate digging her nails into my hand. I didn't even feel it. I dropped her, causing her to fall to the ground.

She gasped for air, bringing her hands up to hold her neck. She scrabbled away from me, over to her friend. They immediately ran away, down the hill and away from Monarch Academy.

I looked around for Ana, seeing her cowering behind a tree. I beckoned over to her, getting her to come out and look at me. She immediately ran over and gave me a hug, causing me to chuckle.

"T-Thank y-you-u Ronin! Y-Y-You s-saved-d m-me!" She said happily, hugging me tighter. I chuckled again.

"It's fine Kid. Your like a daughter to me. I wouldn't let anything happen to you." I said, smiling. What I said was true. Ana had become almost a daughter to me. It was a slightly strange feeling, a mix of protectiveness and... a family like love, in a way? It wasn't really any kind of feeling that I had felt before, but it wasn't a bad one either.

Ana looked up at me, smiling slightly. I returner the gesture, then crossing my arms.

"Try not to get yourself into too much trouble, okay. I don't want to see you getting hurt, Okay?" I said, putting a stern tone into my voice, yet a soft one.

Ana nods quickly, her hood falling in front of her eyes. "Y-yes Ronin!" She said happily. The wind blew past, causing the trees to whistle in the distance. I smiled at Ana warmly, my eyes probably full of a protective like ness and compassion.

"Now, let's go back to the school and practice your Quirk." I said, offering my hand. She took it, and we made our way up the hill. Huh, I guess that's why I was Father Ronin, huh?


Okay, this was super cute but also sorry if It was kinda bad. I am currently writing this is a hurry cause my mom will be here in like 5 minutes and I gotta pretend like I'm asleep so... Yeah.

Anyways, I have recently became a Therapist, incase you didn't know. My friends have officially dubbed me as one cause I deal with ALL OF THERE PROBLEMS, ALL THE FUDGING TIME!
So, now I have started asking the question, AND HOW DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL?!!! To literally everyone I meet, so that's nice.

So, I'm asking this to you now...


Okay, Yep, I'm done now. ANYWAYSSSS, Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Peace Slayer Squad!!!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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