"Bwoada" - Sort Of Part Three of Shino's "Family"???

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This is sort of like a part three of Shino's Family. Just so you know, I Totally forget who this was requested by sooo... sorry XD. Anywaysssss, Hope y'all enjoy!!

- Actually... was it LittleWolfPlayz? I think so......

Shino's POV

I was sitting on my couch with Rikku, Shizu, Kol, Flex, and surprisingly, Blake. Why was she here? I had no idea, but she was. Anyways, we were sort of just talking, you know, about school and stuff. We were definitely not arguing about if Wonderwall or Moodswing had the best hero suit.

"But Moodswing's hero suit is SO MUCH COOLER!" Kol argued.

"No!" Flex said back, "Wonderwall's Is!" Okay, yeah, I lied, that's totally what we were doing. More like me, Blake, and Rikku watching Flex and Kol argue about it. It was actually extremely entertaining.

"When do you think there going to give up?" Rikku asked. Blake scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Probably at least another hour or two. If we're lucky, Forty five minutes." She replied. We sat there, listening to them, until I heard a weird noise, like a popping into existence sound.

I turned around to see what is was, and I saw a portal. Oh crap... that's the kind of portal that goes to my... Before I could finish my thought, a small, extremely cute baby fell through the portal.

"Lulu?" I yelled, confused. "What are you doing here?" The others looked at me, confused.

"What?" Blake asked. "Who's this?"

"Bwoada!" Lulu yelled happily. They bounced over to me, smiling happily.

"Wait, you have a baby sister?" Rikku asked me.

"AWWWWWWW!" Shizu screamed excitedly. "SHE'S SOOOOOO CUTEEEEEE!"

"Hold up!" I said. "Lulu, first off, why are you here? Second, how the heck did you find a portal, go through it, and get here? God, your lucky your here an not at like, Divinus Magia or something!"

"Dunno?" Lulu said innocently, "mi fall soomwhire?" I stared at her for a couple seconds, my eyes narrowed. That baby was way, way smarter than anyone thought, I just knew it!

"Well, we need to get you back home!" I said. I checked my notebook, seeing when the next rift would open. "Anddddd the next rift opens tomorrow morning, greatttt!" I said exasperatedly.

"Ooh ooh ooh! We can take care of her, us, over here!" Shizu said excitedly. Rikku nodded enthusiastically.


And that was how Rikku and Shizu became babysitters, and how Kol, Flex, and Blake started questioning there overall existence! Horrayyyy!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapter. I have just had 3 major assignments I hadn't even started on due tonight, so those where fun to Finnish. It's also like 3 am RN soooo... ANYWAYSSSSS, hope y'all enjoyed this mini story. Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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