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I have legit no reason I'm doing this other than the fact that my friend was like, 'OMG PIE YOU TOTALLY HAVE TO DO THIS IF YOU DON'T I'LL STEAL YOUR ICE CREAM!!!'

........ So now I'm doing this!

Anyways, she wanted me to ask you these two questions-

1 - Who are your 3 favorite members or EX members of the Origins Crew?

(It was a super hard decision for me because I love Boat, xiirockstar, Crazymtch, and like literally everyone, but I'd have to say ActualBoatbose, Pandafire11, and Omegagaminglp, - I wanted to say literally everybody Oof)

And then question 2...

2 - Who are your favorite Characters in FTO, SNO, OZ, OOO, MHO, and any other series by them you want to mention.

This one I actually couldn't decide on, so some of them have 2 or 3

OoO - MAMA CAL BITCHESSS (& austin from S1)

FTO - Probably Devin or Kit

SNO - This one is either Bri, Rian, or

OZ - Def Da Mechanic Gurl (Bri) or Lucas

(And no, I am totally not obsessed with Boat and all his characters. I don't know what your talking about........)

MHO - KIYO SHINO RONIN SHIZU JACK..... Is dat to many? OH YEAH ALSO COLIN RIKKU ARTEMIS..... okay yeah just the first 5 I guess.....

Anyways, My friend sorta forced me to do dis so... PEACE SLAYER SQUAD!!!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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