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Hi guys! This is part Three of The Beans Get Attacked. Also, sorry for not posting yesterday! I had to do an assignment for Band yesterday, and I totally didn't forget to practice. Ehem, anyways, I'll probably make one later today as well as this! Hope You All Enjoy!!!

PS. Mentions of Gore, Weaponry, and Blood in this chapter. Please don't read if you don't want to read that. You have been warned.


Shino's POV

Once we arrived at the wear house, it was the dead of night, 2 am in the morning. Well, we weren't getting any sleep tonight, that's for sure. The wind blew past us, rustling the branches and making it easier for us to sneak in.

"Alright, remember the plan," I said, looking back at Blake, Jack, and Shizu.

Blake rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, we know! You and Shizu go to the other side of the wear house and look on that side. Me and Jack will sneak in this side. Once either of us finds it, we will walkie-talkie the other two. We know!!"

"By the way, where did we get the walkie-talkie's from?" Jack asked. Shizu bounced up and down happily.

"Ooh! I had them!" Shizu said. Though he was acting happy, his eyes were still blue with the sadness of losing his BBF, or Best Bean Friend.

(Who else wants to give the beans hugs?)

"That... makes a lot of sense, actually," Jack replied.

"Anyways," I continued, "Let's go!"

Jacks POV

Me and Blake scurried towards the entrance to the building. Before hand, Shino had given us Level 5 Keycards he got from only the Gods know where. Anyways, Blake opened the door, and we slipped in through the small crack.

Quietly, we closed the door behind us. It wasn't bright at all inside. You thought it would be lit up even a little bit, but no! It was just pitch black. Well that was fantastic, Wasn't it?

Blake made a signaling motion with her hand for me to follow her. I followed, not wanting to make her hate me even more. We walked down the Hallways, peeking into doors.

After a little while, we heard voices coming from down the hall, and a light approaching us from the distance. I felt Blake grab my arm as she pulled me behind a corner. We stood there, waiting in silence. The air was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife.

"Any sightings of that Light boy?" A male voice asked.

"None yet, Sir," Another voice replied. The foot steps got louder. We bit our tongues as the two people walked past us, going down the hall opposite from us.

"I wouldn't worry," The Male voice replied, "after all, we have bait." The two people rounded another corner, cutting of there conversation from us.

Me and Blake shared a look of concern. What did they mean, bait? The only explanation from bait would be Rikku. What we're they doing to him?!

Rikku's POV

I woke up, cold. The damp air seeped into my skin, making me shiver. How long had I been out for? Everything was still a little blurry, And I still felt weak. My hat was brushed against the side of my head, and it was slightly dipped with water because of the leak in the roof above me.

After a while, I heard footsteps coming from down the hall. I stiffened, scared. What did these people want from me? A dark figure turned from around the corner. He was wearing a black mask, so I couldn't see his face. Actually, the only skin I could see was the small amount of space between his long black sleeves and his leather gloves.

"Ah, good, your awake." He said with a creepy voice that sent a shiver down my spine.

"W-what d-do you-u w-w-want?" I asked, stuttering over my words.

He laughed. "Oh, don't worry, we don't want to hurt you, my dear boy. It's nothing personal, really." The masked man said.

I tilted my head in confusion. "T-then why am I h-here?" I asked.

"Well you see," The masked man said, "You, are our bait. We know your close to that little light boy you call a friend."

"You mean Shino?" I asked, confused. What did they want with Shino?

"Well, you see my boy," The Man said, "That little friend of yours, Shino, stopped the bank heist we had set up forever. He has something coming for him if he thinks he can just stop us and get away without any consequences!"

I sat there for a moment, shocked. "Please don't hurt Shino," I begged, worried for my friend. "He didn't do anything..."

"Silence!" The man hissed at me, cutting me off. "Now, either you stay quiet, or I'll slit your throat myself!" And then he walked out of the room, leaving me shaking in fear. Oh no, this wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

Jacks POV

Me and Blake kept looking around. Every time we checked a room, nothing. We had to knock out a few guys who saw us along the way. Ha, Blake knocked out one with a broken pipe.

Now, we were still looking through rooms, no sign of Rikku at all. We had stolen a couple masks to hide our faces, just in case word spread that some kids had gone and took on an entire team of villains.

Anyways, we were walking the halls until we found the next room. We both had a broken pipe in case something was behind the door.

"Ready?" I whispered, trying to keep down the volume. She nodded.

"On the count of three," She whispered back to me, "One, Two, Three!" We both ran into the room, shutting it behind us to stop the noises in case we had to fight.

As soon as we saw our opponents, we both knew we were done for. There, in front of us, stood four villains, all ready to fight. We shared a look of determination, letting each other know we wouldn't back down.

"Ready to kick some butt?" She asked me. I nodded, and then we both charged into battle.

Andddddd another chapter done! Sorry AGAIN for the cliff hanger, but I know I will be posting maybe one or two more later today. Anyways, Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace.


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