Rikku's Best Friend

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Story Idea By Me UwU. Idk if this qualifies as fluff but meh. It's where Rikku is homesick and misses his family, and he talks to Jack about it. I can't directly ship da minors. Anyways, enjoy the story.

WARNING - This story involves a innocent bean being sad, and an overprotective Jack - 😫


Jacks POV

I was walking back from another school day, looking for Rikku. I hadn't seen him all day, and I was starting to get worried about him. He was normally around, spreading his little bean like cheer to everyone. But like I said, I hadn't seen him all day.

I knocked on his door, waiting for him to pop out with his happy smile and settle my unease. I waited a few more seconds. Then a few more. And a few more. Still, nothing at all, not a single peep coming from inside his dorm room.

"Rikku?" I said, wondering what was wrong, "Rikku, are you okay?"

I waited about 20 more seconds before I opened the door. I looked around the dorm room, looking for Rikku. Strange. He was normally always here after school. I don't know, maybe he was at an after school club or something???

But wouldn't I have at least seen him at school earlier then? Shino and Artemis said they hadn't seen him ethier. What could be wrong?

Then, I heard quiet sobbing a coming from up stairs. I looked up, alarmed. Was that... no, it couldn't be!

"Rikku?!" I asked, pushing up the stairs. And there he was, Rikku, lying on his bed with tears streaming down his eyes. He looked... absolutely terrible.

His eyes had small bags underneath them, and they were stained with tears. His head was partially buried into a pillow, and his wizard like hat was squished against the side of his head.

"Rikku!" I shouted, sprinting over to him. He looked up at me, sniffing. Then he fell face first back into a pillow.

"Rikku! Are you okay?!" I asked, slightly shaking his shoulder. I swelled with anger as I asked the next questions. "Did someone hurt you?! Who hurt you!? I swear, I will beat them and blast there eardrums until there insides bleed..."

"Jack!" Rikku said, shifting to look at me. "It's fine. I'm fine." I crossed my arms, giving him a death glare.

"No, your not fine!" I said, worried. "If you were fine, then you wouldn't be crying! Do i'll asked again. Who. Hurt. You?"

"No one," He replied, sniffing, "It's just...." He sighed, taking a deep breath.

"I miss my home, and my mom. I'd never gone so long without seeing them," He said sadly. My eyes softed. I reached in, giving Rikku a hug. He was a little surprised at first, but he hugged back, pushing his hat into my face.

"Hey, it's okay," I said, trying to calm him down. "Being away from your family can be scary. Heck, I miss my family every night!"

Rikku looked up at me, his eyes full of curiosity. "Really?" He asked me.

I nodded. "And do you know how I get over it?" I asked, looking down at him.

He pulled away from the hug, staring up at me and shaking his head no.

I smiled. "I remember that my friends are always there for me, and that they will look out for me when nobody else will, because there like my family too, we just argue less." Rikku giggled at the last part.

"Thanks Jack," Rikku said, wiping away his tears.

I smiled, looking down at the happy bean. "Of course, Rikku. That's what best friends are for!" I replied.

And that, Is how you cheer up a Bean. I honestly wrote this because I thought It would one, be super cute! And two, because I have a small brain and can't think of good story plots. I can honestly just write fighting scenes and emotional break downs without anyone else's Ideas lol. 😂

Anyways, Hope y'all enjoyed this! Two questions. One, did anyone else like over protective Jack?

Two, I need more requests XD!

Anyways, The Pie is leaving da building. Peace.

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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