Meet the Gay, Idiotic, Glowstick That's Also Apparently An Insomiac - (Artino)

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Woah! It's been a while, hasn't it! I TOTALLY FORGOT THIS STORY HAS EXISTED FOR A WHILE NGL- But! I am alive! And I am STILLLLLL writing! Especially in my other Origins Oneshot Book, Check that out! Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!

(Currently Unedited, My Apologies for any Mistakes!)


"Does anybody know where Shino is!!!" Artemis yelped, causing everybody inside the teacher-less library to jump in surprise.

In the library was Flex, Blake, Jack, and Shizu, yet Shino was nowhere to be seen. Artemis groaned as he saw his boyfriend wasn't anywhere nearby.

"Huh?" Jack said, causing Blake to punch her boyfriend in the shoulder. The girl turned to Artemis with a grin.

"What happened to Shino?" She asked, and Jack rolled his eyes goofily at Shizu, causing them to giggle quietly and for Jack to revive a second punch to the shoulder.

"Ow!" He yelped, rubbing his arm as he turned to look at his girlfriend, who smiled at him innocently, "What was that for?!"

Artemis ignored all of them as he started answering Blake's question. "I can't find Shino! I haven't seen him all day. At classes, or at lunch! I stopped by his dorm and he's not there either! He hasn't even been answering my texts! I'm really worried that something bad's happened to him!" Artemis blurted, panic overtaking his mind as he started to pace around in a circle. "Oh god! What if he got kidnapped! Or passed out from using his quirk too much? Or maybe he got drugged and their going to use him as a test subject!" Artemis gasped, a thought sending his mind deeper into a spiral of panic. "What if he got Murdered-!"

"Okay, Artemis, calm down!" Jack told him. Shizu, Blake, and Flex all let out noises of agreement.

"Yeah, he might just be... uh... Out doing something!" Flex said cheerfully, trying to reassure his Friend's boyfriend.

"But that doesn't make any sense!" Artemis fretted, "He would have replied to my texts, then! Shino wouldn't just not reply to my messages!"

Shizu butted in. "Well, His phone could have died, right?" They asked.

Artemis shook his head. "No, Shino always charges his phone before he goes out."

The room went silent for a couple seconds. "Well," Blake started. "Why don't we just go look for him? I mean, there has to be a reasonable explanation, Right?"

All of the other three nodded rapidly, and Artemis started to calm down, putting his faith into his friends as he told himself that everything will be fine. "I guess you guys are right," He murmured, still worried for his boyfriend. Standing straighter, he looked up, a new layer of determination seemingly washing over him as he placed his hands onto his hips.

"Well then, we just have to find him, right, guys? I'm sure it couldn't be that hard!" Flex said with a big smile. Jack and Shizu nodded and Blake sighed.

"As much as I hate to agree with Flex, he's right." Blake said, muttering something under her breath as Flex started to cheer.

"Oh yeah-" His words got cut off as Blake sent him a death glare.

"Do not make me punch you." She hissed angrily, causing him to put his hands into the air.

"Hey, hey, not testing! I'm good! Yep, perfectly fine!" He yelped, and Jack laughed as Shizu went over to pat Artemis's shoulder.

"I promise you that we'll help find him!" Shizu said, a big smile on their face as they squeezed their friend encouragingly.

Artemis smiled. "Thanks, Shizu. And all of you guys!" He said to his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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