Shino's "Family" - Throwback Alert

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Requested by LittleWolfPlays. LOVE this idea btw. Sorry it took so long to get out, I had stuff to do. But, today my entire family is watching football, so I have a few hours to write! Also, sorry if I messed this up a bit Lol. This is legit a throwback for Actual Boatnose fans XD!Hope you all enjoy!!!


Shino's POV

"Alright, Shino," Kol asked, "Truth or dare?"

It was currently 2 am in the morning. Yeah, yeah, we were supposed to be asleep. But where's the fun in that? So, me, Kol, & Flex we're playing truth or dare in a random spot on campus.

"Truth," I replied, not risking taking any dates from either one of these two. Kol cast me a look, rolling his eyes.

"Your no fun!" He muttered, "Hmmm... Let's see. Oh, I know! Tell us about your family!" I froze, my heart speeding up. Oh yeah, now so was REALLY wishing I picked dare.

Suddenly, an Idea popped into my head. I mean, they didn't say which family exactly. I smirked, thinking about it. "Okay," I said, shrugging, "Well... My moms name is Cal. They are really really into mythology, especially Egyptian mythology. He also really likes to read books upside-down."

Kol and Flex both looked at me, surprised. "Wow," Flex said, surprised, "I really didn't expect you to answer that." Kol nodded, clearly agreeing with him.

"Next, is my dad, Arrow, he really, REALLY, likes playing cards. He went to an academy for a while too, but I kind of forgot what is was. Moving on, we have my brothers. These are there Nicknames, by the way, don't judge. We have Pokeman, who like Pokémon, a lot. Then we have Fishnets, he goes by Lucas and Boat a lot. He lives on an island with a rock boy, Snowflake, and an Explosion Idiot. Then we have Ligma, he lives in a literal apocalypse.  Then me, & both of you know me. Then we have GX, who also really loves playing card. Like, too much sometimes. Anddddd then we have Lulu, the baby. See, they used to go to this school called Celestial High, until they got turned into a baby by Cal, and we just left them that way. Okay, i'm pretty sure that's it."

Kol and Flex were both staring at me like I was a literal maniac. They stared at me for probably at least a minute.

"Wha- I can't even- Huh?" Flex asked. Both of them looked extremely confused. Mission Completed.

"Okay," I said, "Well, It's 2 am in the
morning, and we have classes tommorow sooooo... I'ma just goooo. K bye!" I walked out the door, leaving Flex and Kol to ponder what ever went on in there brains as I snuck back into my dorm for the night.

Lol, Hi everyone. Sorry this was so bad XD. While i'm writing, I'm currently at the Farmers Market with my Dad getting  Bread, my holy essence of life. Loved this request though, It was super fun to write! Anyyyyywayyssss, Hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter! Peace!


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