What's Tomb Juice? OoO crossover - Part 2

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A bit of Jake (Jack X Blake) Cause Why Not?

Hi everyone! Welcome to the second chapter of What's Tomb Juice? My OoO crossover cause I just missed Austin's character lol 😂 Anywaysssss... Yeah, Hope y'all enjoy UwU


Blake's POV

I looked around the room, and had to hold in my laughs about what happened to everyone. Rikku had orange wolf ears and 2 wolf tails, one yellow and one pink. Shizu had Red Dragon wings and claws, plus blinding green rabbit legs.

Kiyo had goat horns and a horse as his bottom half. Yuuto had a light blue snake tail instead of his legs, and had two sharp horns behind his ears. He also looked a absolutely terrified.

Artemis had a bright red wolf nose with Purple cat ears and yellow deer antlers on his head. Shino had a yellow wolf tail and blue rabbit ears. He also had blue hooves for his feet. And Jack... had disappeared.

"Guys?! Where's Jack!!!?" I asked, starting to panic even more than I was already panicking.

At least, them was until I heard his voice come out of a plushie in the corner of the room. "Hello?" His voice said, coming out of a cat plushie in the corner. I stared at it for a second.

"Jack... Are you a plushie?" I asked, my snickering slowly turning into laughing.

"H-hey! Shut up! You have spider legs!" He muttered. I gasped, looking down and finally noticing that I had spider legs. I pretty sure I screamed so loud, it could be as loud as Jack's Death scream thing.

"I HATE SPIDERS!!!" I hissed, internally panicking. Everyone laughed, causing me to frown at them. "Shut up." I muttered angrily.

A heard a pop coming from the other side of the room, and I watched as The same guy that gave us the potions fell through, closing the portal on the angry midget dude that sort of looked like an angry version of Yuuto.

"Ow," He said, rubbing his head. It was barely a second before Kiyo was behind him, holding a knife to his neck.

"What did you do to us?!" Kiyo growled.

The panda hat guy shifted. "Hey dude, can you please not hold a knife to my throat? It's kind of uncomfortable." The Panda guy said.

"Wha-" Kiyo started to say.

"Where did you even get a knife?!" Plushie Jack said, cutting him off.

Kiyo shrugged. "I have my ways."

"Oh and Hi! I'm Austin, Son Of Apollo!" Austin said.

"Hi!" Rikku and Shizu both said happily.

"What?" I asked, confused. "Your dads name is Apollo, like from Greek mythology or something?"

Austin nodded. "Ya! He is Apollo from Greek Mythology!"

"But the Greek gods are fictional?" Shino asked.

"Yeah, Greek Mythology is fictional, that's impossible." Artemis added.

"Oooooh, you guys are mortals! I probably shouldn't have told you that then... okay! My name's Austin, son of Alphonso and Wendy!" Austin said happily. "That guy with the purple hair streak was my Mom, Micheal! And there's another guy back at camp named Ritchie, he's my dad. And then we have Bri, A Daughter Of Aphrodite! She's also my Girlfriend!" We all stared at him for a second.

"W-w-why a-are you t-telling us t-this?" Yuuto asked.

"Wait yeah! What did you do to us!" Kiyo yelled angrily.

"Ooh! I splashed you with Tomb Juice! Once, I put it in the punch in the ball, and everyone had weird things like Wings and Tails! It was cool!" Austin blabbed.

"What's Tomb Juice?" Me and Jack both asked at the same time. I sighed. Going over to him and picking him up. I brought him over to where the rest of us were, and felt a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Oooh! Tomb Juice makes weird things like that happen to you! They should probably wear of in a day or two! But anyways, I have to get back To Mom and Bri before Mom stabs something. Bye!!!" Austin said. Before anyone could say anything, another portal popped up and he jumped back through. We all just kind of sat in silence for a second, before Shino broke it.

"What just happened?" He asked, confused.

"No idea!" Shizu said, smiling.

"W-Wait, does that mean w-we're going to be s-stuck like this?" Rikku asked.

Jack sighed from next to me. "Probably." He said. God, he was cute as a plushie. I mean what? Hehehe- I didn't say that.....

"Well then, Blake, can you carry me back to my dorm please?" Jack asked me. I could feel my heart to a happy tap dance in my chest. Of course, I faked my annoyed-ness.

I let out a long sigh. "Fine," I said. I grabbed him from the spot I put him on a table, and started walking back to his dorm. Luckily, the twins weren't there. I went up to his room, placing him on his bed.

"Are you good now, Plushie?" I asked, trying to sound annoyed. Jack laughed.

"Yeah, I'm good. And Blake, thank you." Jack said. I could feel my face start to heat up.

"Any time, Head Jack!" I called, walking out the door.

Okay, yeah, this sucked. But again, I had the stress of Online school AND the Teacher made us fold Origami in class. Like, how much can a teacher suck that they make you make an origami creature for a paper you have on it? I have officially decided I hate doing origami, just because I'm extremely impatient XD. ANYWAYSSSSSSSS....
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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