YO I GOT TAGGED!!! Finally!

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Okay So Yes, I have never been tagged before. YEET. So, I guess I'm doing this now. HORRAY!

Do you have a Crush?
No I hate pp and I'm a loser

What's your middle name?

Like 5.11

Eye Color?
Parts of my eyes are green and other parts are like a weird dark gray. Idk why.

Last time you cried?
Ima say 5 minutes ago. I cried tears of laughter thanks to the crazy on our discord. (Y'ALL BISHES ON THERE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!)

Biggest fear?
...I don't actually know?

Last Song you listened too?
Highway To Hell by AC/DC

Last Person You Texted?
Oh gods. If discord counts, Dragon_Lord_Girl?

Favorite App
...Wattpad, Discord, and Youtube

Tag 10 Peeps - (Okay so my account, as I have mentioned MULTIPLE TIMES, is FUDGING BROKEN!!!! It doesn't let me tag people IDK Y. SO! I'm only doing people I know who read this UwU)

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