Leave Her Alone! - (Mario X Mania)

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Requested By LunaGreene4. I honestly was kinda lost for this one, so I did something short. ANYWAYSSSS... hope Y'all enjoy!!!

WARNING- Involves someone getting beat up, and bullying.


Mania's POV

I was Walking back from school, still a little pissed at Mario. I mean, he had left 3 bags of salt right in front of my room, I had the right to be mad. Right? Yeah, I had the right to be just a little bit angry.

Anyways, I had decided to take the long way home, looping back around the dorm area to look at the scenery. I hadn't really seen the area around the dorms yet. I had only really been to mine. I was probably getting to focused on trying to get A's in every class, like normal.

See, kids had always bullied me because of my quirk. They always said things like. Hey, Ghost freak, Or, What does it feel like to know your going to be a villain?! So really, the only hope I had of getting into... any hero academy at all was getting strait A's, and having a clean record.

In fact, I had been trying to avoid one person that would beat me up as soon as he saw me. Jayden, a kid from my middle school and first year of highschool.

Jayden was is the support class, since he, well, didn't exactly have a clean record. He was mean, and was caught once beating me up in the back of the school. He would always use any excuse he could to insult me, or throw something at me, or just make my life suck in general.

And I couldn't do anything to stop him either, since he threatened by quirk less brother if I didn't just let him beat me up any time he saw me. And his quirk was strength, so it hurt like I was being punched 10 times even if I was only being punched once.

He was the other reason I was checking out this area. I wanted to see where he was, so that way I wouldn't go anywhere near it. I know it was risky, but still. I shivered as the wind blew past, chilling me to the bone.

And then, I felt the drops splatter. It was small at first, but then it started coming at a steadier pace. I looked up into the more grey sky that had formed above. Thunder boomed in the clouds, and the rain pattered down, causing splashing noises all around.

I sighed, noticing I was already soaked. I was about to head back to my dorm, when I heard that one, miserable voice I didn't want to hear. Well, besides Database, but I actually hated this guy.

"Hey Freak!" A voice said from behind me. I jumped, turning around only to see Jayden throwing a punch at my face. I gasped, tripping as I felt blood spill down my jaw. I tried to crawl away, but he grabbed onto my hair, pulling up my head.

"Oh, so the loser got into Monarch. Ha! Stupid school, you know, I thought they trained pro hero's, not weak villain scum like you!" Jayden hissed at me. As I struggled to get away, he kicked me, causing me to double over in pain.

I heard him laughing, my hearing starting to blank. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for him to stop kicking me. Although, I didn't scream. I wasn't going to scream when I knew it made him even more enlightened. I opened my eyes once more, and even though my vision was blurry, I thought I might have seen a person running towards us.

Mario's POV

I had heard someone yelling at someone on my way back to the dorms. "Hey Freak!" I heard the voice yell. In the end, my curiosity got the best of me, and I hid behind some bushes and watched the people.

Good thing I did, since what I saw, absolutely shocked me. I saw some random guy, probably with super strength, grabbing Mania and pulling her up by the hair. Her jaw was bleeding like crazy, and she had a black eye.

"Oh, so the loser got into Monarch. Ha! Stupid school, you know, I thought they trained pro hero's, not weak villain scum like you!" He yelled, then kicked her. I had to resist the urge to run over there right now and slap him. And then, he kicked her again, and again, and again.

Eventually, I exploded. I stomped over, trying to make my anger seem as visible to the guy as possible. I saw Mania weakly open her eyes, then close them again and slump lower the the ground. Eventually, I had gotten up right in the guys face.

"Leave her alone!" I hissed angrily. He stared at me for a couple second, before he started laughing.

"And what are you going to do about it, nerd!" He retorted. "What, you gunna throw your glasses at me or something."

I felt my hand instantly go to my belt and grab a small, round orb. Before he could say anything else, I threw it on the ground, turning on the heat sensor vision on my goggles. I rushed towards Mania, grabbing her in my arms before running away from the Guy, who was trying to stumble through the smoke, and fail miserably.

Mania's eyes fluttered open. She smiled at me lightly. "Thanks Mario," She whispered, "You really are more than just a homework guy." She tried to laugh, but just ended up wheezing. I smiled.

"Your welcome, Mania. And remember, If you ever need any help, you can always count on homework boy to help you." I said, giving her a happy smile

"Well... can I take a nap? I'm tired!" She asked me. I laughed.

"Sure, go ahead." I replied. Mania snuggled deeper into my arms, causing a small blush to appear on my cheeks. After a few minutes, once I knew she was asleep, I kissed her forehead.

"Good night, my ghost..." I whispered.

I'm not going to lie, I probably could have done better. But I may or may not be grounded RN, and I may or may not have stolen back my phone just to write this chapter. After I post this, I'm most likely going to sneak it back lol. Also, it's like, 3 am, and I am super tired so.... yeah. ANYWAYSSSSS.... Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace Slayer Squad!

- Yo BRO PIE 🥧

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