Part 1: A realisation

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Hey, for those who don't know, this is the SEQUEL to "UniTale: The Darkened rooms" so go read that or you will probably get confused.
For those who have read the previous book, enjoy!


You walked down a hallway, you couldn't find Jason anywhere, you had requested Michael and Alex to meet you near the science labs, when you got there you found the two already waiting, you knew this would be a pain in the ass to explain...

You got to work, asking the pair whether they had experienced dreams the night before, to which they both had, you asked both about the content of the dream before revealing the suspicion you obtained that it had actually happened, to which both implied it must have been a coincidence until you revealed the glove that you found earlier that morning.

"Y/N, I still don't believe it happened, that glove could be a random one of the street, I can't believe it." Michael explained his reasoning.

"Michael thats too many things to just be a coincidence, having the exact same dream is already enough, but a glove too? you're in denial." Alex chipped in.

"Listen Michael, your right in the fact it COULD be a coincidence, but this can't be faked"

 you reached into your bag and pulled out the photo he had taken of: you, Jason and Chara. You showed him the picture as you continued to explain.

"I couldn't find Jason this morning, and it's not because he's ill or anything like that. He's dead."

Michael fell silent as he realised you were telling the truth, you saw his acceptance of the fact and began to speak again.

"Listen, when we all broke down the walls Chara glitched out and disappeared, she isn't in this universe, however i'm unsure of whether she's in her own or another one, regardless of which we need to help her because both are terrible situations for ANYONE to be in."

Both your classmates nodded as you all walked off in separate directions as you all took in what just happened.

The weeks flew by as you, Michael and Alex began studying the links between gravity, time, space, and destiny. You just so happened to have exact replicas of the clothes you wore during your time in the darkened rooms so if you wore them you would be able to stop time and pass universes. You learnt how gravity is the thing that ties in all fates and destinies, both from your own observations and context clues nobody previously seemed to pick up on.

Eventually the day came for you to execute your plan, you got changed into your combat outfit in one of the schools bathrooms as you got ready to freeze time and cross universes, Michael and Alex already knowing a story to cover your disappearance for a few hours.

You walked out of the bathroom and nodded to the pair, they nodded back. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in and then-

"Mr. L/N (last name), Why are you not in school uniform?"

You quickly turned to see your English teacher confronting you about your clothes. You responded quickly with a thought out.

"I have a dentist appointment sir, i won't be back for the rest of the day so i decided to get changed here."

Your teacher seemed satisfied with the answer as he walked away, you nodded to the other two who followed you as you walked out of view from anyone else.

You dropped your bag as you said your goodbyes to the pair. You closed your eyes as you wore Charas glove before exclaiming:


The world slowed to halt as  you focused, you let your hands guide you to the point between dimensions, you gripped and pulled, you felt something give way as you pulled yourself through the portal that had opened in front of you, one of the last things you remember is falling into a patch of white.

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