Part 4: D E T E R M I N A T I O N

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Chara woke up, she looked towards the clock in her room to see it read 1:30 PM, she recollected what she was informed about yesterday, and got ready to head to judgement hall.

She walked downstairs to see your passed out self laying on the sofa, she lightly smiled, knowing you had passed out of exhaustion making sure she and Asriel were safe.

She pecked you on the head before using a shortcut to arrive at the hall.

(Play now)

She looked on as the one who ruined her ever-looping life entered the hall, ready to finish this timeline off and reset.

"What did you do, Asriel never went to your post in Snowdin and I couldn't find any monsters past the ruins." the demon child hissed from across the hall.

Chara remained unfazed, she merely walked forward while brandishing her knife, the child doing the same but with a chainsaw.

In a flash the two started to fight, knives and blasters popping off as blood was spilt and light shone, the final fight had begun.

You woke up on the couch, you looked at the clock on a nearby wall, 1:31 PM, you groaned and sat up, walking to go find Chara, when you saw she wasn't in her room you realised what you told her the day before and instantly ran out the door, desperate to save her before the inevitable wound happened, even if Shifty had a level of 4 or 5.

You sprinted towards the Judgement hall, unsure of if it was too late.

Chara swung and dashed, using magic all the while, The two blades locked as Chara killed the child again and again, first it was a knife through the heart, second they were vaporised, Chara fought and fought, determination blazing in her eyes, Shifty fought and loaded, fought and loaded, the result being the same but also different, death, but on a different attack, this fight would prove the most challenging one yet, being only lvl 4 meant low health, this meant more deaths, which meant more work. Shifty tried and tried, barely progressing at all, determined to kill the insolent girl in front of them.

You were halfway through waterfall as you spotted Toriel, she ran along with you as she informed you about seeing Shifty pass through, you thanked her as she slowed down, trusting you to keep her daughter safe.

You ran faster and found yourself at the judgement hall, you looked in horror to see Shifty swinging at Chara, who was completely off balance, you froze time, not allowing the same mistake to happen again as you blocked the hit and unfroze time.

(wait for the beat drop)

You stared at Shifty, with no emotion other then a face of rage, you rushed them as you started slicing with your knife and chucking knives, pausing time every so often to fend off the attacks coming to your skull.

You stepped back and let Chara take over the fight for a while, you snuck around the dueling duo as you froze time and clipped the neck of Shifty as you tore out one of their vertebrae, they immediately slumped as a red soul appeared, a glow so bright shone you had to cover your eyes, when you looked back again, you saw Shifty at the entrance to the hall.

The fight continued more and more, several deaths occurred on both sides, Shifty and Chara both perished. In the end however a save point would always be loaded and the fight would go on. You were getting tired and more angry as it went on and on. Would this child never give up? You went more on the offensive as you pushed Shifty further and further back as you clashed knives.

You and Chara used up a large portion of your magic as you slashed, dodged, pierced and slaughtered, still Shifty would not give up, you started freezing time as you went to several areas in the hall, confusing Shifty as Chara went in to catch their attention as you went for a back stab.

You saw Shifty turn and take a slash at your leg, forcing you to kneel as the blade severed skin and muscle.

you got knee'd in the face as hand came to bash your skull back down as a chainsaw cut through your stomach, you were kicked away as you clutched onto your stomach, leaking all the blood you had while trying to stay alive.

You stared as Shifty went to slice Chara into bits, Cara dodged but a knife pierced her stomach as she did so, you stared in disbelief, you hadn't come this far, killed a universe destroyer just to be killed by a angry child.

You slowly rose to your feet, feeling the wounds along you heal as a fire deep inside you started burning, you were filled with...


you Sped towards Shifty, grabbing onto their skull as you threw them across the hall, you weren't trying to avoid being hit now, you were aiming to kill, you dashed forwards as you pressured Shifty as you swung your knife in quick and agile movements, forcing Shifty's chainsaw away as you circled their stomach with your blade, their intestines falling out.

You sliced and threw knives, Shifty still somehow alive after the disembowelling, you froze time as you cut their head off, grabbing onto the floating soul and pouring your own determination into it to counteract the determination attempting to load.

Chara helped you contain the soul as you made your way to the barrier, Sans was awaiting you as he begun to speak. (Chara had a monster candy yes)

"Human, you have done well to get this far, however this is where your life en-"

"SANS GET A SOUL CONTAINER!!!" Chara yelled.



Sans hurried off and returned with a container as you forced the soul in and sealed it, you immediately collapsed to the floor as the drain of what you just did took over you.

Sans was surprised to see another soul, yet even more surprised to see another living human. He spoke slowly.

"Human, is this, your soul?"

You shook your head as you tried to catch your breath. Sans nodded.

"I see, now we have 7 human souls it is possible for us to break the barrier, Chara, Human. The entire underground owes you two a lot. If you have any concerns or requirements just come visit me and I will sort it out. Are any of you injured? We can have the roy-"

"Your majesty it's fine, we don't need anything special. Just a while to rest, also this is Y/N." Chara spoke for you as she helped you stand as she slung your arm over her shoulder.

"Very well, have safe travels you two."

You and Chara walked back into the judgement hall, Chara readied a blaster and vaporised Shifty, you shut your eyes and when you opened them you were in Chara's room.

"Y/N rest on my bed, I don't know how you did it but you somehow healed yourself, you don't look like theres any other physical wounds on you, however i may need to take a look at your soul..." You passed out, not caring about what Chara was saying anymore.

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