Part 21

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You awoke very slowly, opening your eyes as you continued to feel that weakness from last night, even if it was a far lesser extent.

You slowly escaped Chara's sleeping grasp, careful not to wake her.

You walked out to the balcony again, you took off your jacket and shirt, already sweating from the mid-day sun. You looked out to the city, a clear up crew fixing the damaged caused by your fight, you walked back inside as you grabbed the diary, sitting down on a chair as you began to read...

trust me this is so God damn long I might have to split this into 3 parts, it will also take ages, like I started editing it, cutting out large gaps, fixing grammar mistakes etc, and it will take ages, it took 20 mins to get to the 14th chapter, there are over 200 god damn chapters

So don't expect much for a while, I will release the parts at the same time to it may be like 4-5 days.

Also the link is here.

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