Part 2: Reunited

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You woke up to find yourself on a couch inside a small house, you looked around for a few seconds before getting up, it was only then you had realised what happened.

You spun around, ready to protect yourself should you be in one of the more dangerous universes, you tried summoning a knife to no avail, you looked to your hand to see the faintest sparks of red and white appearing from your hands, you must have burnt all your magical energy while crossing universes, you had no chance of stopping or even slowing down time, after these thoughts had raced through your head you heard someone say something.

"Oh, Human! it seems like you are awake! Don't be scared, I may be a god but I won't hurt you!"

You flipped around to see a small goat wearing a rainbow bandanna around his neck and white fluffy fur, upon seeing this you let your guard down slightly, knowing you got to the universe you wanted to, you still were unsure of what point in time this was, whether Shifty had passed through snowdin yet or not, and whether this was a genocide route. You now needed to figure out where Chara was.

"Hey asriel" you said, taking the goat by suprise.

"Y-you know my name?" 

"yep, anyways, do you know where Chara is?  I need to find them."

"You know Chara?"

"we are old friends, i tried to find her and i heard from some people that you knew her."

"Well you came to the right goat! It just so happens that me and Chara are siblings!"

"Great. Do you know where she is though?"

"She's in her room upstairs, she hasn't come out for the past few days and i don't know how to cheer her up." He paused.
"Maybe if she sees you she will be happy again and go out on watch!"

You shrugged and walked up the stairs to Chara's room, you paused in front of her door, knocking 3 times in simple knock knock knock manner. After a few seconds you heard movement from the other side, The door opened as you heard a dead serious comment.

"Come to kill me early huh?" You froze, you had never heard Chara talk like that, even after seeing her fight with the memories of everyone dying, during that she had a charismatic passive aggressive tone, this was a full on aggressive tone, like she was ready to destroy anything in a single hit.

Chara looked up to see you, there were clearly dried tears on her face as she looked at you in shock, the next word being barely audible.

"Y- Y/N"

Char tackled you into a hug as she started breaking down in your arms, you wrapped your arms around her as you sat up against the banister, Asriel came up, presumably wondering about what all the commotion was about. You flicked your head back to the stairs, he got the message and went back down, presumably to make some star-shaped cookies.

"It's okay, I'm here now." You whispered, you held Chara as her sobs slowly stopped as she fell asleep, you picked her up bridal style and placed her down on her bed.

You walked back downstairs to see Asriel, as you predicted, making cookies. He noticed your approached as he asked.

"Oh, Human! Do you think you managed to cheer Chara up?"

"I think me being here has done the trick, my name's Y/N by the way."

"Well good to meet you Y/N! I'll have to introduce to mom!"

You froze, remembering that toriel was the captain of the royal guard in this universe, you quickly shook your head.

"N-no thanks, i don't think that's necessary."

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