Part 31

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You slowly shook your head, of course Kars was in a bloody cave, not some beautiful building of ancient times or a tower which would infer his power. But a cave, a random cave somewhere in Geneva.

Fucking Geneva.

"Geneva convention more like the Geneva suggestion, im gonna fucking torture him."

You looked towards Joseph, he was grinning like a idiot, not much of a difference to usual but he still couldn't take anything seriously.

You sighed as you decided to speak up.

"How did you even find him?"

"The red stone always has a slight gleam in the direction of the nearest pillar man. As the prophecy said, and by walking around a bit we managed to figure out the rate of which the gleam changed direction would indicate somewhere around Geneva. Presumably inside a cave somewhere to avoid suspicion." LisaLisa explained.

You nodded. Another question still on your mind.

"When do we head out?"

"You can go right now, Messina, Loggins and I will stay here until Caesar recovers. You, Chara and Joseph can find and fight Kars."

You looked towards the pair, who were now talking about something, Chara still trying to avoid getting close to Joseph.

"Alright, the red stone will be back in your possession in maybe a week tops."

LisaLisa nodded, handing you the gem as you put it in your pocket.

"Chara, Joseph, C'mon, we're going to kill Kars."

"Already? What about Caesarino?"

"The others are staying here to look after him, you two are coming with me to kill him now."

Joseph grumbled his complaints, standing as he did so. Chara looked towards you while asking:

"Where are we going?"

"Geneva, try and find somewhere open, we don't need any buildings around for Kars to have cover."

Chara nodded, taking both yours and Joseph's hand as darkness encroached your vision momentarily.

Upon opening your eyes you found yourself in a field with the pair, Joseph already crossing his arms and tapping his foot.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Pull out the stone and let's find this Aztec stripper god."

You did as asked, looking at the shiny rock, walking off as the pair followed.

(play now)
"Alright here's the plan, Joseph is the only one who can properly harm and kill Kars, so me and Chara will pester him with magic and lasers while Joseph deals actual damage, any questions?"

The pair nodded as you turned to the cave entrance, putting the stone away and drawing your knife as you walked in.

"KARS YA BIG PUSSY COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME!" You yelled out, hoping to draw the attention and anger the super vampire.

"Foolish human!" Yelled a shadow from your side, you turned to see Kars leaping at you.

Jumping out of the way you threw 3 knives at him, to which he knocked down with his razor blades while firing one at you.

Taken aback by the unknown ability to fire his arm blades you froze time and moved out of the way, Chara firing a blaster at him while Joseph started breathing.

Kars flipped around, dodging the laser as he sliced at Chara, who blocked with their knife as they threw another blaster at the immortal.

Joseph started clicking around the clacker volleys, picking up speed as he chucked them at Kars, his bone blade slicing through the string while the balls burnt through his arms.

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