Part 26

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You unfroze time as you looked around, yep. You were in the right spot, Air Supplena Island.

Something caught your eye, Chara's hand and leg had jerked up before promptly being pulled backwards, you froze time and turned around.

You saw the Hamon master LisaLisa pulling Chara backwards via her scarf, you were quick to act, forcing the 50 year old's frozen body onto the floor as you drew your knife and unfroze time, poking the blade directly at the back of her neck.

"Let her go, if you send Hamon through that scarf I will make it certain that you die less then a minute later."

"H-how did you?!"

"LET HER GO!!!" You yelled at her, you intended to work alongside her but you were completely willing to end a life in this instance, you could always try a different time line.

You heard footsteps behind you, you turned to see Joseph and Caesar walking up to you, visually shocked at what they were seeing.

"COME ANY CLOSER AND I'LL KILL HER!!!" You yelled at the two, they were already charging their Hamon, even if they weren't attacking yet.

"Fine." The old lady finally spoke, agreeing to your demands.

The scarf unwrapped itself from Chara's neck, you froze time and picked up your girlfriend while moving further away from the trio.

You unfroze time as you put Chara down, the Hamon warriors looking very confused as to how you suddenly changed locations.

"Now, as I was about to say BEFORE we were rudely attacked, I am Y/N and this is Chara, we are here to offer our assistance in the fight against the pillar men."

"How do we know we can trust you?"
LisaLisa had taken charge in the conversation between you and your potential allies.

"You need all the help you can get don't you? Oh well, I'll still offer this info as a gesture of good will.

Dio Brando is still alive."

The three immediately stated their confusion, you silenced them as you spoke again.

"He took Jonathan Joestar's body in the ship that exploded, he is in a coffin at the bottom of the sea somewhere, people will pull him out in 50 odd years."

The trio were still extremely confused, talking amongst themselves while you and Chara observed.

"How do you know this?" LisaLisa spoke up yet again.

"I'm a time traveler, I come far from the future, about 4 decades after Dio is finally killed. While travelling the large vastness of time I observed a future Joseph fight him and aided him in his battle."

"Prove it."

"I can't, well I could but I don't want to risk breaking what I initially fought Dio for, all I can really say is that in a time line where I don't interfere, Caesar dies but the pillar men are defeated."

The hamoon users looked at you in silence before speaking once more.

"We accept your help, however if you attempt anything that may inconvenience us we will not hesitate to attack you."

"Wouldn't have it any other way. By the way, I recommend that when Joseph and Caesar have their final test, keep a sharp eye on the red stone for a few days after."

LisaLisa nodded, before quickly dismissing her pupils to get back to training, she turned to face you and Chara.

"Do you two know how to use Hamon?"

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