Part 6

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You opened your eyes to see a sleeping naked Chara next to you, there was a faint smell of love in the air. Your brain went back to what happened earlier, the curse of morning wood appeared, despite the fact it wasn't morning, you ignored it as you got up and went downstairs, you saw Asriel and Toriel talking, both looked slightly worried.

They turned to you as you approached them, Toriel ran up to you and began to vigorously shake you.

"Is Chara okay!? Is Chara Okay?! Is Chara okay!? Is Chara Okay?!"

You somehow managed to free yourself from her grip as you informed her she was asleep upstairs, a conversation then ensued.

"So how did the fight go?"

"Well we won, it was not a very fun battle though, Chara died about 13 times before i killed Shifty, i got my leg and stomach sliced up, Chara got stabbed. It was not fun."

"Wait die-" Toriel caught herself, remembering about the resets.

"Yeah... turns out i'm not affected by the resets I could have easily died for good... Somehow i healed myself without any food and yeah, gave the soul to Sans and soon gonna break the barrier."

"So... we're gonna be free?"

"Yep. Provided Sans doesn't fuck up the absorption of the souls we will be fine."

Toriel nodded while thinking over what you told her. You turned away and started heading for the door, Asriel spoke up.

"Y/N, where are you going?"

"To take a walk, might head back to my own universe, I did everything i set out to do here, not much point to staying."

"Wait you mean you have enough energy to make a portal?"

You froze with your hand on the doorknob.


You sat down as you started muttering to yourself.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuucckkkk, I've already been here too long, people are gonna get fucking suspicious and then i'll have to answer to the fucking police, my parents, teachers, friends fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."

You opened the door and threw yourself into the snow, this was gonna be a fucking shit show to talk your way out of...

after laying in the snow for about 15 seconds you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You turned your head to see Chara, she smiled at you.

"C'mon Y/N, get out of the snow, you can think about this later, right now, while your magic is recovering you should try to enjoy yourself, I actually have an idea if you wanna go along with it."

You stared at her for a few seconds before answering with a generic:


"Alright follow me! Mom, Asriel, me and Y/N are gonna go see Dad!"

"Alright." You heard a response from Toriel.

You and Chara set off, Chara covered your eyes as you appeared in Hotlands, a very sudden change from the snowy environment of Snowdin.

Chara knocked on the door of the lab, a few seconds later it opened to reveal a tall bearded goat with a happy expression on his face.

"Oh Chara, what a pleasant suprise, it's good to see you again. And who's this you brought with you?"

"His name is Y/N Dad, I have some good news and two things to ask of you while we visit."

"It can't be that bad, come on in and have some tea, I hope we can get along Y/N."

"The feeling is mutual." You replied with a comparable cheer.

You entered the lab to which Asgore directed you to a chair, you accepted the offer and sat down as he bumbled off to get some tea.

You looked towards Chara who was sitting in a nearby chair, she looked back to you before you asked.

"What were those two things you wanted to ask Asgore?"

"A medical scan of you and your soul, and a gift I want to keep secret for now."

you 'hmmm'd (you've all done it stfu) as you went back to looking at the wall.

Not too long later Asgore returned with a tray in his hands, he set it down on a table near you as he sat down in a chair opposite.

"So Chara, what is this good news?"

"Sans has seven human souls now, we just have to wait for a day or more and the barrier will be broken."

Asgore visibly looked taken aback, he faced you as you lightly smiled.

"Chara, did you take Y/N's-"

"No dad, it was that other human who came through your lab earlier when everyone was being evacuated, you probably have it on CCTV."

"Oh okay, good. I would hate for someone so apparently nice as Y/N to be killed. Well if that's out of the way what were the things you wanted to ask?"

"The first one is a medical scan up on Y/N, while we took the soul from the other human Y/N got heavily damaged and somehow managed to heal himself, I just want to make sure he's alright."

"That can be arranged, I have a soul-scanner two rooms on the left. You can tell me about the second thing as we check over Y/N's soul."

The three of you got up as you finished your tea and went to the designated room. Upon walking inside you saw a side room with a window that observed some weird machine that took up most of the space.

"Now Y/N, if you would please lie down on the mattress, the scan can begin and end very quickly."

You did as instructed and laid down, Asgore and Chara moved into the seperate room, the mattress began sliding further into the machine as you felt your soul forcefully plucked from your body, you immediately broke into a cold sweat as your breathing started to shake, you saw lights flicker all around you as you tried to grip your fists to no avail. Eventually the mattress started sliding out of the tube as your soul returned to you. You tried to get off the mattress as you collapsed to the floor, that feeling was terrifying and you hoped you never had to go through it again.

Chara rushed out of the room to check on you, you could feel the weight of your stomach and you wanted to throw up, Asgore bent down besides you before chuckling.

"I suppose I forgot to tell you that having your soul forcefully ripped away can be very debilitating if not prepared. Take a while to rest and I must say, you look very pale."

Your muscles loosened in Chara's grip as you almost passed out right then and there, only being kept awake by Chara helping you stand, she helped you walk as you were set back down into the chair where you did indeed pass out.

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